Your Volunteer Work?

by Valis 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • Valis

    Well, some here think that all we do is sit around a post naughty pics and do no charitable or volunteer work. I thought we could see who does what for their respective communities.

    Valis= Free computer support Dallas Shakespeare festival + On The Wing Again Bird Sanctuary/Rescue, photopgraphic web hosting services for the Bob Marley Festival of Dallas, am about to start w/the Down's Syndrome Guild of Dallas doing web support and event work/soliciting charitable donations from companies, and my teaching that means working many hours unpaid to help my students personally/educationally. I also provide free computer support for several elderly and bed ridden folks whenever I get the call.

    Check before you wreck Hillary.....


    District Overbeer

    Edited by - Valis on 16 June 2002 16:48:5

    Edited by - Valis on 16 June 2002 16:52:37

  • ChuckD

    I do voulnteer work at the RI Hospital Emergency Room / Trauma Center, as a family assistant.

  • hillary_step


    Check before you wreck Hillary.....

    Likewise Valis.

    I did not suggest that persons on this Board did not partake in volunteer work, I happen to know that many do. What I suggested is that huge amounts of time that could be used to this end are wasted posting what are imho posts without worth.

    Best regards - HS

  • lovsinner

    To me it soundslike when the pioneers used to brag about the "hours" they would put in above the rest of us. The way talks were given trying to make us feel guilty if we were not putting all the time we could into service. Well, now I look back and realize how I wasted at least 5 hours a week at the meetings and an additional 15 a month in service..It's my time..NOW

  • hillary_step


    To me it soundslike when the pioneers used to brag about the "hours" they would put in above the rest of us
    What does?
  • Valis

    Hillary, whenever I want someone to put value on my posts or my time and what its worth I'll let you know......I better be nice or you'll threaten to leave again so perhaps be a bit more succinct next time. I did think it was a good idea to open this thread though in any case.


    District Overbeer.

  • Dutchie

    Pro Bono legal work for those whose incomes will not allow them to retain legal counsel. I collect child support, get people from getting kicked out of their apartments because of non payment of rent and I also assist the elderly in collecting federal grants.

    Edited by - Dutchie on 16 June 2002 17:22:46

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Considering that the only "volunteer" work that the WT found acceptable was the witnessing work it would be rather interesting to see how many give of their time and knowledge to help others (and I don't mean by preaching)

    I have always given free counseling to one or two people who could not afford it. I have held a month long on-line conference on abuse issues and speak whenever I am invited regarding various forms of abuse and cults

    I design web pages and upgrade computers for friends and non-profit org.

    I also have 4 web pages about abuse issues and answer email responses to that and well we will see what happens with the new discussion forums for those abused in the WT

    Edited by - Lady Lee on 16 June 2002 18:52:51

  • ChuckD

    It is not reasonable to assume that time devoted to posting here is time that even COULD be spent elsewhere. For many people (including myself), the computer is on for most of the day checking it from time to time to get email and the like is as much a part of the day as any other task. There is no steady period when I am on here, and even if I were to post several times throughout the day it does not necessarally mean that it is more than a passing activity among many other tasks. If I were to stop using the computer in the course of my day, I would not suddenly find myself with an available block of time.

  • joeshmoe

    I volunteer for a local child abuse prevention center.

    Hey Dutchie,

    Hope you're feeling better today. I lost my job this month. Should I keep in touch in case they try to evict me in a couple of months?

    Edited by - joeshmoe on 16 June 2002 17:25:41

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