Christ's Fake Brothers - Tomorrow's WT Study

by The Searcher 21 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • iwasblind

    Funny, because everyone who accepts Jesus as Lord is anointed.

    No one is more special than anyone else

    The Mormons also twist John 10:16, but clearly Jesus is talking to the Jews about the Gentiles.

    Many witnesses do not know that the GB teach the Jesus is only the Mediator for the anointed because of the scripture in Heb 9 saying he is the Mediator of a New Covenant.

    However, I love to raise this as an innocent question with them and say that 1 Tim 2:5 says he is the mediator for ALL mankind.

    This two group teaching really makes no sense in light of the scriptures. We are all Christs brothers!

  • stuckinarut2

    I'm sitting here doing mental gymnastics just TRYING to understand the study from the wt point of view.

    para 14 really spins me out! First they use an obselete mosaic law comparison, then say we aren't under that anyway... Then they say the Only way to show love is by preaching!


  • stuckinarut2

    And the last three paragraphs contain CLASSIC manipulation and leading comments:

    Persecution fear complex

    Bold misleading assertion that "clearly Jesus backs us"

    Then the CLASSIC: "give us money and labour"

    Classic "listen obey and do what we tell you!"

    Then fear of the big A

  • fastJehu

    ... Then they say the Only way to show love is by preaching!

    I got your point. But to be fair, they don't say "only way". Anyhow, nowhere in the bible I can find a prioritization, which type of "showing love" is more importend than an other type.

    ----------- wt quotes ---------------

    ... one of the primary ways (study)

    And one of the primary ways we show love for God, for Christ, and for our neighbor is by preaching the good news of the Kingdom.

    ... the best way (simplified edition)

    And the best way we show that love is by telling people about the good news of the Kingdom.
  • Driving Force
    Driving Force
    See the picture associated with para 17 showing the little girl putting her ice-cream money into the begging box.

    Here is a thought: The WT article mentioned "context" when considering a scripture. What is the context of the only passage that mentions "anti-christ?"

    Yes, the "anti-christ" spreads false teachings, but what do they lie about? The passage is very specific and deals with one particular teaching. To nit-pick other xian religions about their mistakes on other doctrine is actually going beyond the scriptures.

    On a related note: the JWs truly revealed their worship of the GB today. There were many comments about how obeying the GB means our life. Also, we aren't going to have the precious GB for long, so NOW is the time to prove yourself a "prospective" sheep. WTF??


  • stuckinarut2

    Good point are correct. I got that expression wrong.

    Good point too DD! The "worship" of the GB is indeed getting more noticeable. In fact I wonder if Jesus walked into a room with the GB today, most witnesses would look at the GB for direction on what to do, NOT to Jesus...


    Oh, here is the comment of the day, by an Eldumb.

    " We can prove ourselves sheep in many ways, like putting money in the contribution box. We just had the latest JW broadcast and the GB have went "all-in" in this "final push" before the GT! They may finish Warwick with 1$ in the bank! - ( laughing/ head-bobbing)

    This is the second time I have heard "final push." Is anyone else hearing this new theocratic term?

    So we are in the "final push" and according to the WT, the FDS will come under attack and they are undergoing intense trials! By "final push" to they mean cart witnessing, where they silently hand out everything except the most important book, the bible??

    By trials, do they mean Pedo trials??


  • prologos

    The "worship" of the GB is indeed getting more noticeable. yes, stuckinarut. end of paragraph 16. "--they loyally obey those appointed by the faithful and discreet slave " aka gb, not appointed by the Holy Spirit. and

    a redundant claim. end of paragraph 5; concerning the "sheep": " --people would be judged as such because they acknowledge Jesus as their Lord--" of course the 'goats' also address Jesus as "--Lord, Lord--"

    JWs could possibly be the "sheep" because they full well know what they are doing according to this perverted twisting of clear instructions. so why would the have sheep ask: "when" did we feed you? because Jesus' point of the parable was that his "brothers" are incognito, hidden not wearing a lapel card saying "partaker", FaDS. warwick.



    I noticed that as well. Things are getting scary.


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