Excellent Topic Searcher, their was so much wrong with this study article today I can relate to Stuckinarut2.
While trying to come up with at least one comment I suddenly felt as if I had gotten all dressed up to go dumpster diving. Not even in some ritsy area where they throw out perfectly good toys because the kid doesn't like it, nope definitely dumpster diving in the ghetto. Yet, even in their you might find some new stuff. Actually attending this watchtower study was like sifting through an Amish recycling bin. Not like the hoppers they have at Bethel this is the same old broken stuff they have been using for over a century, just stitched, nailed, and now duck taped together.
Trying to comment was like trying to pick up a rope from the pile and having it unravel in my hand before I can lasso the nearest Eldumb with it.
Anybody else feel me here?
There were many comments about how obeying the GB means our life. Also, we aren't going to have the precious GB for long, so NOW is the time to prove yourself a "prospective" sheep.
I should have commented something like that DD I know I would have gotten plenty of head nods