Let me think....hold on...it's coming to me....OH YEAH - because contrary to popular opinion, we DON'T attack anyone just because we feel like it. If China was harboring terrorists, yes, we most certainly WOULD be planning some form of retaliation.
As you have very wisely observed, that's the very popular and very true opinion that USA attack "anyone just because we feel like it."
USA does not have the reason to attack anyone because no one is attacking USA. 9/11 was most likely inside job with help some friends or, in the worst case scenario, retaliation for USA actions outside of USA borders. There is 100 x more evidences that USA government at least knew all details about the attack and regards Osama we have just one fake video and.... thousands of civilians dead in Afghanistan. More than in WTC. As barbaric as WTC. No difference. The same TERROR!
OH, you mean it's not THAT good a space program...
Just remind me, please. These seven dead austronauts were... where????????????????????????????
Wait, WHAT?? The problem is IN Taiwan?? Huh? People wanting to live in a free democracy is a problem?
Wow... you are another believer that you live in democratic country. Believe than. You can also believe, that you have democratically elected president. Yeah. That's the good one!
And if you REALLY think China is content to rest on its laurels and doesn't have some disturbing plans for dominating its region (including holding Japan accountable for its WWII atrocities) then you have a shockingly diminutive understanding of its current leadership.
Sure... China wants invade USA, Iraq, Afghanistan, Bosnia, Vietnam, Korea, Granada. But... just type on Google, "New World Order."
Damned. I have forgotten the biggest threat against USA. The world power number II. Cuba.
All of them hate American democracy and wants to kill all Americans. They are nasty, huh?
Regards atrocities. The worse atrocity during WW II was committed by... USA. Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Does it ring the bell?
Of course government CAN explain. Hitler could explain it too. Just a question: does USA celebrate that glorious victory over Hiroshima? Any celebrations? Monument? God bless America? It is "God (b)less America", my friend.
BeautifulGarbage - change name, please! Remove that 'Garbage'!
So, why, exactly did 9/11 happen?? I have read articles, essays, and a book. And all have varying opinions of exactly why the attacks of 9/11 happened. So, I'm interested, WHY did it happen????
Check these sites: