You mean, The Watchtower for September is already distributed ?
It's only June here Amazing !
by plmkrzy 74 Replies latest watchtower bible
You mean, The Watchtower for September is already distributed ?
It's only June here Amazing !
PATH....Thats how I read it. I'm glad to see at least some are on the same page
As you can see by the next artical it was Friday night and I was bored.
LOL, kind of like when we used to doodle during the WT study. When you are bored JWs turn to graffitti in the publications..
The pic of Moses or Korah or whoever it is a few posts up could look like a DJ if you put a couple of turntables in front of
I noticed in par. 22 that the organization is directed by men now (not God, Christ or holy spirit). Also Elders are not appointed directly by holy spirit but just fit the description found in the inspired writings.
It strikes me that a similar expression "organization directed by men" is used in the statement of the German branch concerning the child abuse issue: They don't expect their rules to be perfect because no organizion directed by men is.
Looks like New Light to me.
Watchtower September 2002
As I read what you posted plmkrzy, and thanks by the way, I just have to cringe.
Right away in paragraph 3, of this article loyally submitting to godly authority I notice:
However, we must not conclude that without divine guidance those responsible men could somehow judge matters with flawless discernment and understanding. They were not perfect, and they could not read the hearts of their fellow worshipers.
This is damage control and the windup for an excuse. With all the stuff thats been exposed about them especially over the last 2 years, they have to realize that many will start questioning, as we know many already do. Allot will chalk it up to trusting in Jehovah, some will walk, others are just comatose followers and will follow mother wherever she goes, even if she walks off of a cliff.
Paragraph 4:
You must not be partial in judgement. You should hear the little one the same as the great one. You must not become frightened because of a man, for the judgement belongs to God. Yes, s judges were judging for God. (Deuteronomy 1:16,17)
I just want to know how a statement like that can be drawn from that scripture. If the JUDGEMENT BELONGS TO GOD, how can you blatantly state the judges were judging FOR god?
Edited by - zev on 22 June 2002 9:38:7
Edited by - zev on 22 June 2002 10:10:24
Yeah, this whole article is about downplaying their mistakes and imperfections and still requiring unquestioning loyalty to their members who are starting to ask questions.
Of course while they admit they are imperfect, nowhere will you see an acknowledgement of the specific mistakes they have made. No apologies for mishandling abuse cases, no apologies for the UN involvement etc.
It's nice at the end of the article how they tell the members how happy they are to be led by them and their wonderful elders... I can picture a thinking JW (rare i know) scratching his head thinking "wait a minute here..."
LOL PAth..I was thinking that must have been the last look on Korah's face just before the ball of fire consumed him. Either that or he played a few too many records backwards.
Zev....I'm glad you highlighted that.
That was the first thing that jumped out at me when I opened it.
I got distracted for awhile trying to get the darn pages scanned I left out some paragraphs that I wanted to highlight.
It sounded to me like an explination for the dismissal of a few elders lately. They are placing the orthello elders in the same catagory as Korah. That way all bases are covered. Bill will be next.
I agree with what German said. Are the elders appointed by holy spirt or not? Why do they have to spread it out over a whole paragraph. Seems like they are dancing around the subject. So by their fine job of measuring up they are said to be appointed by Holy Spirt? But we are not saying they are appointed by holy spirit, but they must be because they fit the qualities of someone who would only be appointed if they had God's approval and Holy spirt???????? Sorry , just trying to think out loud, to see if it makes any sense..... why can't they just say what they mean. I am beginning to feel sick and may barf reading this... I havent read a WT in a year... LOL I see I am not missing anything. Maybe I should read it again,,,, I may not have the correct viewpoint on this,, I found my mind drifting off as it always did on Sunday mornings............
Is nobody else but me missing pages 11 & 12 -- which are STILL red X's on my screen?
Actually, this article is based on the drama at the DC last year and the talk following. The drama has been turned into a videodrama available to the JWs.