WatchTower Study 4 Sept, 2002

by plmkrzy 74 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • plmkrzy


    I don't know if it will work or not but try clicking on the picture, or where the pic is supposed to be. Sometimes it will take you to another page with Just the Pic on it. Or it could be taking too long to upload or download or whatever. your mail I sent page's 11 and 12 via e-mail sorry bout that

    Edited by - plmkrzy on 22 June 2002 13:13:5

  • crawdad2

    thankyou for taking the time to post all of that, plmcrzy.......................i haven't been able to read a good sly article like that for quite a while!.............................

    dear jws,........ what makes you think you and your leaders are the royal priesthood?...just cause you say so, like korah???.......korah rebelled against a bonafide leader, one who had visible credentials......"miracles"................. jehovah's witnesses represent korah!........ they have no visible credentials, just a long list of failed predictions, yet they are telling the whole world and all other christians that they are the royal priests........... korah was given the opportunity to prove he was appointed by god, yet, when the test came, the ground opened up, and in he fell!................................the gov body has also been given the opportunity to prove they are appointed by god,,,,,, but all they can come up with to prove it is a long list of failed predictions, and an organization full of pedophiles that they are harboring.

  • Matty

    Too true crawdad2, what you have said has really made me think. The drama "Respect Jehovah's Authority", as was shown at the District Convention last year, is available on cassette, and if you want a laugh, it's well worth a listen. It will creep you out!

  • Dino

    Thanks so much Plum.

    Just one more example of their supplanting Jesus.


  • plmkrzy

    The drama "Respect Jehovah's Authority",

    I have that on cassett. It was sent to me because I did not attend the convention last year. I promised I would listen to it but I've had it all this time and haven't yet. Now I'm curious. I'll probably go dig it out now and listen to it.

  • plmkrzy

    I agree with what German said. Are the elders appointed by holy spirt or not?

    I'm on another page now and forgot who said that.[:?]

    My take on that, soon as I read it, was they were prepared for whats happening or starting to happen in the congs. They had to have seen this coming for quite some time now. Probably they started a couple of years ago.

    In other words, (like my pappy would say) they are saying that the GB is DEFENATELY appointed by Holy Spirit because they are the direct link to god. Not even Jesus gets in their way because they have basically replaced him. HOWEVER they want to make it clear that even though they are appointed by Holy Spirit and can guarantee that, they themselves are still only human and capable of being stuped by some elders who they thought were brought to them via Holy Spirit. They are telling us that (in a nut shell) they haven't reached perfection yet and are capable of being fooled by Satan.


  • ozziepost

    Thanks, Plum, for persevering and getting this article up on the thread. I've printed out the artcle and Mrs Ozzie and I found it MOST interesting.

    Again, thanks.

    Cheers, Ozzie

  • Windchaser

    I say, Cheers, to Aaron and Miriam! <wind, serving drinks to the congregation>

  • JWrobot

    Thanks Plum

    Yes,Wt. certainly taking a swipe at Bill & Barb.

    11".Moses tried patiently to reason with them." I think Bill tried to reason with Service & Legal Dept. close to a year.

    My Prophecy:

    God will NOT take out Bill & Barb . Bill provided the fire at the Candel vigil, God just needed to supply the fuel, he was a no show.

    Barbara will be the Mother Theresa of WT. whether she's d'fd or not.

  • plmkrzy

    You all are very welcome. It being my LAST WT and considering the content I think I will frame this one. I have approx several hundred others scattered about if anyone wants old WT and A's just ask. I'll see what I can scrounge up.


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