Have you ever heard of the word 'Preterism'? - Research its concepts, and I mean all of them and then return. Until then you will not understand the point of our exchange, nad certainly not the point of the scriptures that you note.
I am not siding against your interpretation of the scriptures Robert, or siding with the Preterists view of them, I am merely making the point that there are many ways of looking at the matter, even when it comes to the expression 'tribes of the earth', which you will note in Revelation also in the same sentence seems to suggest that the people who killed Jesus would see him return. What I am saying, and have been throughout these posts is that the prophetic and eschatological elements of the scriptures are open to as many intepretations as there are people who read them. I have a library of approximately 7,000 books, many of them dealing with eschatology and some dating back to the C17th. If you were to write a book on the subject it would be squeezed between the others.
I will admit that the Preterist view of the passages in Matt 24 etc, make much more sense to me that what you or the WTS, or indeed any of the modern attempts to fit history to scripture offer as an explanation, but that is not to say that either party are correct in their opinions and interpretations.
James Russell - 'Parousia' - remember the name and title.