Surefire Ways To Know You're A Woman...

by WildTurkey 34 Replies latest social humour

  • BeautifulGarbage

    Make his life miserable by making him feel guilty about doing anything other than catering to your needs.


    Well, good grief! What respectable woman wouldn't?!

    Like I tell my husband every chance I get. "What's the point of getting married, if I can't nag ya?!"


  • Panda

    WildTurkey, Very sad indeed. Would you mind explaining how it is that you fit at least a few of your "you're a woman if:"statements? Whining and Complaining. TSK TSK Has someone been demanding attention and not getting it?

  • one

    WT view point on this?

    Seem they take women's seriously. Striping them of any power...

    They have God's support.

    Genesis 3:16 "Your desire will be for your husband,
    and he will rule over you." I she is single the GB will make sure...

    A long time ago women started a silent revolution with counterproductive results, so far.

    hey women i love you all, i am just stating some facts, ok? please.

    Edited by - one on 22 June 2002 20:27:46

  • Solace




  • Morgaine

    Edit: opps forgot this part (If i were presented with this info this is what i would say...)

    Well, from examining your post with a keen eye I have observed a very bitter and frustrated individual. You would benefit from some self - introspection and some counseling.

    Lets see... first You might consider finding someone who is more like you , the very idea your frustrated with how long she takes to get ready means you should have someone a bit more earthy. If you don't like the look of an earthy girl then your just impatient and selfish and my suggestion is learn how to entertain yourself. heeeee

    On further examination - Your complaints are so absolutely trivial (no offense - but trust me) that it can only mean one thing. It means you both have deep harbored resentments for eachother that you have not worked out. There are huge knots between you and you both display the inability to confront and solve issues, (It's as obvious as an atom bomb explosion). But confronting and solving isn't so easy when it involves things that make us feel vulnerable (especially with someone who you don't trust so much anymore). It's very human to feel frustrated and take out your frustrations on safe "subjects" like being lazy - when you really have something else to say. You could both use counseling. If your not into that perhaps the time for your relationship is done . It looks like there is little love lost between you anyway at this point. And it's true sometimes things go on too long.

    PMS well, that made me laugh very VERY hard. Seems men will use PMS to blow off their woman's feelings and YOU sir are being avoided and blown off by the excuse of PMS. Sometimes I like to refer to it as "Putting up with a Man Syndrome" <winks>. (I'm not into stereotypes -im just yankN your chain. I think that men are insensitive and women are too sensitive is as laughable as women can't do math)

    Anyway - if you really attract women who frustrate you in this and many other ways on a regular basis my guess is that is NOT gender but rather the type of person you are attracted to. That is where introspection and counseling come in.Counseling doesn't fix you or change you but it does present you with a variety of tools to apply to yourself and theworld that you might have picked up unless you took a sh*tload of psy or philosophy courses. Lets face it, we need to be born with a pamphlet on love life the universe and everything.. Counseling can provide you with those tools (people who know people like some people know cars.. yknow?) and give you some well - earned venting room where you wont be judged or the butt of jokes with your friends.

    <taps her lips>hrmm where was I? Oh yes, Have you asked your self why after trying to confront and solve issues and then they wont stick or don't get solved that you stay only to become more frustrated in return?? or that you keep trying the same methods that don't work over an over again? Or why it is your attracted to the same kind of person?

    Trust me your complaints are male and female complaints. Gender has nothing to do with it - I have seen women put "Prick" in the tile bar and rattle of your issues dozens of times.

    so counseling, getting to know yourself and the habits that keep tripping you up in life will help you a lot. Please keep in mind im not putting you down ...what your explaining is soo human. Every person alive has issues with truly being upfront and knowing when to draw the line. We all want to be loved and respected and sometimes that's just not so easy =)

    Good luck with healing your very sad and frustrated self,

    Regards ,


    Edited by - morgaine on 22 June 2002 20:13:59

    Edited by - morgaine on 22 June 2002 21:7:50

  • Morgaine

    Oh and for the Ladies I have a definition for you to embrace

    When it's being used as an insult, "bitch" is most often hurled at women who speak their minds, who have opinions and don't shy away from expressing them. If being an outspoken woman means being a bitch, we'll take that as a compliment, thanks.

    Furthermore, if we take it as a compliment, it loses its power to hurt us. And if we can get people thinking about what they're saying when they use the word, that's even better.

    And, last but certainly not least, "bitch" describes all at once who we are when we speak up, what it is we're too worked up over to be quiet about, and the act of making ourselves heard.

    So, keep speaking and Continue to know it is your right to be heard next to your brothers and we will all then make the world a more complete and livable place,



    Edited by - morgaine on 22 June 2002 21:25:20

  • one


    hell! (kiding)

    yes facts!

    wheter i agree or not that is something else.

    But if you dont agree the MEN from Brooklyn are comming after you.

  • Judith


  • Solace

    One, Oh you were stating that this was a fact that they teach this. K. Understood.

    Comming after me. Oh nooooo.......Gonna get me...

    Seriously, I dont think they could hurt my family any more than they already have.

  • WildTurkey

    Maybe, I should have left the bitch part out huh. I really didn't mean to offend anyone thats why I posted it in the joke topics. Really I dont have anything against women, I think every man should own one.

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