WT is shorting literature orders by congregation with a problem contributing enough for literature $3500 just for mags

by oppostate 62 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • JWdaughter
    Less WT's in the world is a good thing.
  • Pete Zahut
    Pete Zahut

    "we aren't getting the full shipment and are running out, in fact we've run out of magazines before the end of each month for the last three months."

    God forbid they should have to go to the doors with just the Bible.

  • Ding
    Sounds like a great congregation to attend if you want to avoid doing field service...
  • umbertoecho

    I went to a meeting a few weeks ago. I had my place saved by my sister who has always been in the org. She saw I had no magazine and went off to correct that situation.

    Nothing. Nothing happened. I was refused a magazine, was refused a copy of it. They used to photo copy one if there were not enough. Don't know what to think of this, but it felt very strange to me. I had to sit through this meeting without a study magazine. I have never known the society to do this before.

  • oppostate

    So the figures this too-young-to-be-an-elder elder gave the congregation had been bothering me for quite some time. I finally had a chance to ask him Saturday.

    He told me the figure of 3500 bucks was a total year rounded off figure. I asked him if the shortage was due to the CO telling the BOE not to order so many each month in order to cut costs. He looked at me like I was an impertinent brat. (Mind you, I'm twice his age, and probably twice his weight).

    So I pressed on, I'm not intimidated by a snotty nosed, bony faced, pencil-neck, pretentious and conceited nincompoop. How is it we've been placing more magazines each month than the number received, doesn't that mean the figures are inflated? He looked at me like I was speaking a foreign language.

    It sounds to me like publishers are reporting magazines they never got, doesn't it? He took in a big breath through a barely open m-dash of a mouth, and held it for a moment, his head shook as if trying to dismiss from his mind an answer he'd quickly thought better not to give me.

    He turned and started to walk away from me. So if the Xxxxxxxxx Congregation didn't have extras either to give us , how are publishers placing what we didn't get? His only response was a quick sideways glance back at me at me as he walked away.

    I guess he didn't think I was worthy to share any information with.

  • Calebs Airplane
    Calebs Airplane
    Well how the fuck are the GB members supposed to maintain their rock star life style if the rank and file don't fork over what they're supposed to for their Litter-A-Trash and rags? Rolex, Gold Apple watches and cuff links aren't cheap you know...
  • JustVisting
    The magazine placements are probably pretty accurate when you consider that publishers often place older dog-eared mags at the doors anyway. Publishers will fib on field service hours but not on placements.
  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower

    I wonder how many congregations have been limited in mags and books because monthly contributions to the WT Corporation was a factor. I suspect all have. They have to take measures to keep the cash flow positive to sustain a business.

    They may just give up the paper printing business all together and start selling all that property to keep up with all the lawsuits coming down the pike. These guys are slow learners that's why they keep things going even though they should have gotten out of the printing business long ago and started deversifying into other exploits praying on their JW drones for more free service to the cause.

  • cantleave

    Publishers will fib on field service hours but not on placements.

    I used to lie about literature placements once I had woken up. Maybe there are lots of closet apostates in that congo,

  • nevaagain

    I am a literature servent in our congregation and this has never happaned to us, we always receive the amount ordered. The only problem is that when ordering magazines someone has to keep in mind, that if you adjust the numbers, the effect will only be visible in three months and not immediately with the next shipment.

    Even though the new magazine arrangement means less work for the servants to do the job, this also means that jws who take a lot of magazines at the beginning of the month dont leave any for the end of the month. I saw a lot of brothers/sisters being annoyed by the fact that they had no magazines to place at the end of the month.

    Then there was a special magazine issue and somehow our elders thought especially that magazine would be placed like hot cakes and cranked up the order of that magazine ... i got the special task to get rid of them months later because we still had a big pile of them, funny that our CO always tells me to be discrete when throwing them away.

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