Im just wondering what kind of work people who post here do. I know a few already. I believe Amazing is a mechanical engineer (like me), Xena is an office manager and You Know washes windows. And when youre not working, what does everyone do with their free time now that they dont have to knock on doors when the weekend rolls around.
What do you do for work and play?
by roybatty 42 Replies latest jw friends
I am a business office manager for a medical office. And I also work weekends for extra $$$ at a medical facility-- babysitting their office and phones. Neither is hard work, ( I have had to work for a living in the past, and brother, this isn't it!) But I have little to no time for play. I do on the other hand have plenty of time to read posts on this site. And generally consider the W3 my only hobby these days.---Omie
I do web / software development and 3rd line support and when I'm not working I do web / software development and support.
How sad is that?!
I work at a warehouse for WWGrainger Industrial Supply. In my spare time, I love to read, surf the internet, play strategy games, and "DJ" techno music in my bedroom!
I teach the A+ core/OS classes, Help Desk, and Intro to PC at a commutnity college. When I am up to it I like to go fishing, camping, driking beer, canoeing have a Sea Eagle two man inflatable, taking digital photos at events for my website, and did I mention drinking beer? I also just got a new baseball glove. My friends are playing softball this season ,and in an effort not to have to buy two seats on future plane flights, I'm taking that up as well. I've tried rock climbing...way too clumsy and busted my ass many a knees thanked me for giving that up...I try to make regular appearances at plays, concerts, and art events as much as possible.I almost forgot to include a bit of the olde 'in and out" to my list of all things
District Overbeer
I am a truck driver,qualified for cranes(big ones)and hazardous chemicals,theres a lot more to it than just causing traffic jams.
When I'm at play I love motorcycling,sailing,restoring ancient vehicles and I am in an environmentle trust.
Speaking of fishing Valis, I work for Plano Molding - the company that makes all of those fishing boxes you see. When i first started for them I worked in the tackle division, designing the tackle boxes. Kind funny when I was being interviewed for the job by the VP of engineering. The first question he asked me was "Do you enjoy fishing?" and I answered "Not really" (hey, I was honest). He chuckled and said "good, neither do i."
Hey Simon, not sad at all...well, ok, maybe you need a hobby. lol. j/k
I'm an Auto Technician (fancy for mechanic) at the local Dodge Dealer. I mostly do heavy line repairs, driveability, A/C, whatever I get.
For fun, I have been working around the house, doing as much as I can with my grandsons, transferring my old vinyls over to CD, spending time here, whatever suits my fancy. Since I live alone, I do pretty much what I wish. Lately, though, I have a new endeavor and am enjoying that very much. Even makes me smile again.
roy, I love fishing. I've got a couple tackle boxes that need my attention as a matter of fact. I think there's some catfish and trout baits that have been in there too long for my own good. Its either clean them out or throw them away, as they aren't going back in the car till one of those scenarios occurs..*L* In the summer its mostly catfish, sand bass, and the occassional bass/crappie action. In the winter I go to the city and state parks that they stock with rainbow trout..probably my most favorite time of the year. I've got about 50 or 60 in the freezer right now, waiting for July 4th and one of my other favorite activities.....throwing parties and cooking for my friends. Perhaps sometime you can let me see such a holy site as a tacklebox manufacturer...
BTW, all you Texas Apostates don't forget to purchase a $50 conservation passport for the state parks. It pays for itself rather nicely if you go to the parks more than once or twice a year. Gets you in to the parks for free, all you can fit into your car, and free admittance to other special programs put on by TPWD. Good for all stae parks and recreation areas.
District Overbeer
I am a director of a Domestic Violence Shelter and do some teaching at a local community college and local university.
I like to camp, read, garden, watch movies, be a mom and partner to my husband.