What do you do for work and play?

by roybatty 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • zenpunk

    Work - I'm an applications engineer for a control systems manufacturer (get to travel to the boring parts of the US doing installations and training for new devices).

    Play - I run 3 miles a day and love to garden, hike, go to the beach etc...everything that involves being outside is alright with me!

  • Xander

    This thread reminds me of a comic strip:

    I'm....uhhh....working on being that last one.... For now, I do tech support for our company's software. Operators services stuff (Directory Assistance, Automated placement, coin phones, debit cards, etc - it runs the whole business).

    For fun? Building PCs/overclocking them/tinkering/etc. Oh, and gaming on them. Graphics design, 3d modelling etc.

    I do get outdoors some and enjoy the usual: mountain biking, kayaking, and just walking in our parks - one of the largest arboretums in the country is in our area

  • RR

    Work: Seven years as a accountant, fwent back to school, spent five years as system analyst, past seven years worked as Letter Carrier for the United States Postal Service.

    Fun: Studying the Bible, researching, computers, Witnessing to JW's, reading, very involved in Church which takes up most of my time.

  • DanTheMan

    Folk dancing. There is a Tuesday night group that meets at the Hillel Center (a very nice Jewish Student Center at Ohio State University). We do Jewish, Greek, Hungarian, etc. folk dances. I LOVE it. I've met some wonderful people there who have barely even heard of JW's. They're lucky.

    My job? Customer service for big big textbook publisher. Pays the bills, nothing prestigious or exciting though.

  • RedhorseWoman

    I work as a mainframe programmer on IDMS databases.....you know, the job that was being phased out more than 15 years ago by PCs and client/server applications.

    For fun, I enjoy poking around on the computer, reading, horseback riding, experimenting with various things like painting and sculpture (I'm not really good, but I have fun). I also enjoy needlepoint, knitting, crocheting, sewing, and pretty much any other type of needlework. During the good weather I enjoy gardening, and I'm hoping to get back to practicing flute and guitar. Also, when the muse strikes, I write children's stories (never published, but maybe someday).

  • LB

    I retired a few years ago and bought a horse ranch. So I'm stuck with these 1200 pound hungry all the time needy beasts. Want to buy one?

    A couple of years ago I started to drive a school bus part time and I love that. I also am going to be the basketball coach at the highschool this next season so something else to keep me busy.

    For fun I scuba, bicycle,surf, geocache, and torture my sons and daughter in law.

  • saltiest

    Right now I'm a stay at home mom of a six month old girl, though I'm looking for a job as an administrative assistant. When I have time I work on my personal web site, and others for friends and some extra money. In the Fall I plan on going back to school so I can add on to my self-taught web design skills.

    When I'm not in front of the computer, I like to draw portraits and some painting every now and then. Her dad and I don't out much, but we love going for walks or to the gym as well. Any other time is spent entertaining my daughter. :)


  • COMF

    Work: I write web portal applications for a healthcare company.

    Play: play drums in a band, date interesting women, spend time in Barnes and Noble sipping lattes and checking out babes books, work out, and (soon to be) build stuff in my wood shop.

  • LB

    So you like playing in the woodshop? I built myself one a few years back. So far I've made some gorgeous sawdust. Yes I can take some of the finest hardwoods on earth and create lovely sawdust. Would you like a package???

  • Mackin

    Work: Internet/Software tech support.

    Other: Volunteer counsellor for a youth telehpone crisis line (Youthline).

    Interests: Friends, family (what's left of it), good food, good red wine, strong coffee, good conversation, movies, music.

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