WTS soon to be in World of Hurt !!!

by Amazing 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • crawdad2

    amazing.................... that is great!!!!!! .............. if it can just start in california, ..... and they can nail the organization for some big money, ....... lawyers everywhere will want a piece of the pie!!!!!........ it will spread like wild fire!!!!............. thank you for the encouraging report....... it's encouraging to see things like this starting to happen.

  • dungbeetle

    Watchtower had all the chances it's gonna GET...

    They had 120 years of religious freedom, tax exemption, and community non interference.

    And in return what did they give back to society?


    Watchtower, it is over over and over.....all but the singing!!!!!!!!!

  • nancee park
    nancee park

    California is considered a MAJOR state in the United States, in that legislation passed in California is often picked up on and adopted in many other states and pretty quickly at that. So this is indeed major news.

    Definitely, then, all caring JW Elders need to be showing that they stand for Jehovah's fairness rather than the Watchtower men in Brooklyn who'd prefer to just ignore this issue.

  • waiting

    Howdy Amazing,

    "to sue and BANKRUPT chruches ... as has happened in Canada with the financial demise of the Anglican Church there." - amazing

    The last thing I read on the issue in Canada was about 6 months ago. At that time, in ONE province, the Anglican Church was going to file bankruptcy.....but before filing, all the remaining assets were moved legitimately to another Anglican Church Province - which couldn't be touched. Just another corporation/church evasion.

    With the WTBTS now having at least 5 corporations to switch to in case of need, it would seem that the same ploy could be used by them. Perhaps one of the primary reasons that all these new "God's Organization" corporations were made?

    If you have further information on the total bankruptcy of the entire Anglican Church all through Canada, please direct us to the reading? Thanks.


  • Amazing

    Hi Waiting:

    If you have further information on the total bankruptcy of the entire Anglican Church all through Canada, please direct us to the reading?

    This is one of those 'memory' things ... I likewise recall that the Anglican Church was filing in one Province ... then later on I recall that the entire Church went into bankruptcy ... however, since I am relying on memory, I will have to stand corrected in the event that facts show otherwise. I will check around and see what I can find.

    With the WTBTS now having at least 5 corporations to switch to in case of need, it would seem that the same ploy could be used by them. Perhaps one of the primary reasons that all these new "God's Organization" corporations were made?

    Ahhh ... this is one where the news is very GOOD !!! ... For in the USA, moving corporate assets around does not work anymore ... and in civil cases, various subsidiary corporations are named as co-defendants ... One attorney here in Illinois I spent time with on this issue made it clear to me that any corporate changes and asset allocations will make no difference ... the Society cannot hide. ... And the attorney went on to say that any attempts to move assets and cover tracks looks even worse to Judges and Jurys and such moves tends to cause them to increase awards to plaintiffs.

  • nancee park
    nancee park

    I had heard on TV, think 60 Minutes, the Canadian church was reeling from lawsuits over pedophile clergy. Just wanting to confirm that Amazing is right on that point too.

  • nancee park
    nancee park

    I had heard on TV, think 60 Minutes, the entire Anglican church in Canada was reeling from lawsuits over pedophile clergy. Just confirming that Amazing is right on that point too. Good memory, Amazing. I think part of the show was about the Anglican priests molesting Native American Indian boys who were entrusted to their keeping.

  • ItsJustlittleoldme

    Hi Amazing,

    ItsJust ... : Good points.

    and that would be the beginning of the 'Government is turning on Religion' prophesy..

    This is a good issue, even though said in jest ... and one that inspires a whole new post ... but I can say that turning against religion was one of the last fears I had to overcome after I left the organization.

    It wasn't said in jest (I made a joke out of it, as that is really what it is, a joke to believe something like that), however, I had a JW tell me recently that she expects something like this to happen; And she said that it was because the Catholic's have a problem with pedophilia that the whole thing will start.. She said she heard about the dateline story, although it was completely false, but she said that Satan did a very good job at making people think the JW's have a problem similiar to the Catholics.. So, she is already expecting this to be the beginning of the end for religion..

    So, from a current JW's standpoint, I believe that they are yet adding this as one more 'sign' <ugh>...

    Edited by - ItsJustlittleoldme on 23 June 2002 21:57:54

  • Amazing

    Hi Nancee: Thanks for the memory feedback. Also, I found this on teh Anglican website. It does not say that the national churhc went bankrupt, because it had not happened yet in 2000 ... but the Anglican Church Canadian, national headquarters feared that happening ... I am still looking for the article that says they finally did go bankrupt ... but the Anglican website gave me 160 hits on the topic of Bankruptcy ...

    Bankruptcy like Good Friday, Primate tells council, as mounting lawsuits threaten financial viability FREDERICTON, May 4, 2000 - The Anglican Church's national executive council began four days of meetings here this morning attempting to balance hope for the church's future with the stark possibility of looming bankruptcy for the national structure.

    Read the rest here: http://www.anglican.ca/news/ans/ans.html?ansItem=2000-05-04_a.ans
  • waiting

    Thanks for the information - and I'll do some checking too. There's a big difference between "reeling" and being completely bankrupt, however. For the Catholic Church - I would assume they've been reeling for quite a while......or they wouldn't have come to the table with plans to change at least part of their rules - which now leave bishops alone.....and the priests to dangle.

    It's great news that the corporate shuffle won't work for the WTBTS! Like the Catholic Church, the WTBTS will most likely change if enough financial loss comes their way. Obviously, what the public thinks of them doesn't seem to matter much, eh? The local jw's will feel that they're receiving Satan's persecution from his government demons.......but perhaps it'll help the jw children some.

    Would seem that the old saying is true: "The more they scream they're different, the more they prove they're the same."


    ps: Glad to see that you're feeling better, Amazing.

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