Thought everyone would like to hear some great news about the Calgary blood case. I was sent the following, which I've modified to protect the guilty:
At the Witnesses' request, the trial has been put over till October. In effect that means they have lost. By that time the girl will either be well or dead. In either case, the matter will be moot. Although the motion was put forward by the Child Welfare people, it was done by agreement. It became obvious that the Witnesses were not anxious to have Dr. Muramoto, Gregg Stafford or Jim Penton testify.
The judge got angry at the mother of the girl - the only person who gave testimony this morning - for suggesting that what was happening to her daughter was like what happened in the Nazi concentration camps. When the judge spoke to her somewhat sharply, one Witness lawyer (the dork for Jehovah's Witnesses in Calgary) tried to interfere, the judge told him to sit down and be still.
The Child Welfare lawyers and the social worker took Dr. Muramoto and Penton out for lunch. They were surprised at the deep, deep anger of these people for the Witness lawyers. They felt that they were totally unprincipled and didn't act as though they knew what truth was. One lawyer even called one of the Witness lawyers a polecat. So the Witness lawyers haven't endeared themselves to other lawyers or the court.