Calgary Blood Case Effectively Over - We Won!

by AlanF 63 Replies latest jw friends

  • Pathofthorns

    Old Hippie,

    I appreciated that quote from Greg Stafford and your personal comments. While I don't personally agree with them, I do find them to be respectable and reasonable on a certain level.


  • BluesBrother

    Lets just hope the poor girl gets better , or at least improves enough to objectively eview her faith.

    A sad case all round . I would just love it if she were to come to the conclusion that the transfusions had been correctly given . Either way we wish her well.

  • LDH

    I hope that one day this girl understands the sacrifice her father has made for her, and the *real* power of unconditional love.

    Love to all of you who were involved here.


  • metatron

    This is wonderful! Thank you, thankyou Alan!

    I agree, Lee - I just don't see how they can zealously pursue this policy when it is

    becoming obvious that 'something' is going on behind the scenes.

    Stage two: I'm looking forward to an eventual abandonment of the whole HLC /HVC

    arrangement - because at some point, they must become irrelevant.


  • Amazing

    Thanks AlanF and Lee Elder for the update. I was wondering how this was turning out. I do have one question though: IS the girl really 17 years old? I must have missed this. If that is the case, and the girl is conscious and able to give cognitive statements, what are her wishes? Those should be respected regardless of any religion or court. It is her wishes that should be winning out. If she is much younger, say 8 or 10 years old, as I have thought up to now, then that is different.

  • hawkaw

    Hold the phone Alan!!! Remember this is case 2. There still is CASE 1 which went to the Supreme Court of Canada.

    There is STILL one more case to come and that is from the "supremes".

    Stay tuned. It aint over yet folks. There is NO news yet when the decision on whether to grant the appeal will be given.


  • greven


    thanx for the update! this is truly good news!!

    I hope more of these cases will follow and that the WBTS will finally turn down their blood policy.

    it will be then just like when they abolished the ban on organ transplants : "we cannot afford to be drawn into this matter legally anymore" after so many deaths this will be a bitter pill for them!


  • Dino

    Thank you Alan.

    Please pass along kudos to Dr. Muramoto and Jim Penton.

    Hawk and Lee, your tireless and lifesaving efforts are phenomenal.

    Greg, we respect your courage in this matter.


    Edited by - Dino on 25 June 2002 9:44:28

  • ChristianObserver

    Hello Alan and Lee and all others who have been posting news of this court case and who have been *fighting* on behalf of this young girl :o)

    I am shedding tears of joy that she has been given the best chance of survival with the best available medical treatment and I pray that she will recover and that one day she will recognise *truth*.

    Will she ever know that her father's battle against an organisation which required her *possible* death and which reputedly informed her that she would make the front page of Awake as a martyr, was partly funded by anonymous people from an international internet community?

    Will she ever know that there is a committed group of people at the AJWRB who are trying to get the WTBTS to *think* rationally?

    Will she ever know that there were those who voluntarily gave of their time and resources in order to give her the best medical treatment currently available for her disease?


    But what is clear is that now there is a *counter-organisation* of caring individuals which has become mobilised, which is focussing on important issues and which is making itself heard at last.

    The WTBTS with all its wealth and with all its lawyers has essentailly backed down and we are left to wonder why.

    Perhaps they have not before met with such *organised* and *informed* opposition maybe.......?

    Is this a first? Well, I'm certain that it won't be the last! And as HQ ponders this case and the financial implications of it, what changes to the blood policy will emerge?

    To all the major *players* in this case - what an achievement! You may have saved the life of an innocent who has never been taught the *other side* of the scriptural argument.

    To all the minor *players* - you rock!

    To Simon - gee, thanks for this board!

    And to all who are members of the organisation, the words of the official blood brochure come to mind: *Still, for years claims have been made that blood saves lives. Doctors can relate cases in which someone had acute blood loss but was transfused and then improved rapidly. So you may wonder, 'How wise or unwise is this medically?' Medical evidence is offered to support blood therapy. Thus, you owe it to yourself to get the facts in order to make an informed choice about blood.*

    I suggest that you visit:

  • dmouse

    This post has really made my day!

    I felt for sure that the WTBS legal machine would steam-roller this one. I am stunned at this good news.

    I bet WBTS legal team are stunned too, sounds like their mandate was withdrawn from higher up the pecking order.

    The tide is turning folks, the tide is turning.

    Well done to all involved!

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