Welcome Lucidentity,
I too like your ID - Let me show you why mine is "In_between_days":
"Those who leave cults frequently experience anxiety, depression, rage, guilt, distrust, fear, thought disturbances, and "Floating" - the shifting from cult to non - cult ways of viewing the world or the sense of being stalled in a foggy, "in between" state of consciousness. This emotional turmoil impairs decision - making and interferes with the management of life tasks."
The above is writted by a cult expert and Phd "Michael D.LAngone", you can see this yourself on www.csj.org/studyindex/studycult/cultqa4.htm
You see, Lucid, alot of these people have been a JW for many, many years, even have been what were claimed to be "The annointed" - (you may like to read "Amazings" personal stories in the personal experiences section)
Now, they are shunned completely by family and freinds.
Lucid, can you imagine if you were treated like you were dead by your family, what kind of effect would that have on you? Not only this, but you believe that the organisation behind your D.F, D.A was completely unjust and false?
How much anger do you think you would feel towards that org? How much hurt?
How would you feel not having anyone to talk to about it, no one who understands? This is precisely why people visit this forum - it is therapy and it helps you to understand that you HAVE made the right decision, that the org IS false, there is a alot of denial at first, but eventually, you come to terms that you were indeed a victim of mind control, and after a while, you begin to feel better. After a while, I did not need ot visit this forum quite so much. After a while, you set your mind on not only yourself and your capabilities, but you examine the bible more than ever before, and search for christian freedom like Ray Franz.
My advise to you - never just beleive what anyone says - including the apostates on here. When ever anyone makes a claim agaist the org - challenge it, ask for UNBIASED PROOF. Allow your mind to THINK- to broaden, examine the evidence - research. You will come to know the truth eventually. Try to stay to topics like "Bible Research" and "Beleifs, docrines and practises".
More importantly, look outside of apostate sites also and stick to medical for evidence - psychology sites were a big help for me. Cult sites are well worth the read, they will enlighten you:
There are many, many others, just do a search on "CULTS"
You will come to see that this forum is not a waste of time at all.
Hope to hear from you, you can e- mail me any time with any questions.
All the best with your search