There have been a few reasonable answers on this thread, and a lot of spiteful ones also. I think you people can handle being called apostates, since I have been called alot worse since getting on this board. Do apostates offer 'anger management control' courses for other apostates?
Does being called an 'apostate' upset you?
by wholewheat 109 Replies latest jw friends
Hi Wholewheat, 'apostate' is just a label. In the context of the WTS, it would pay to see what people are actually saying rather disregarding everything.
refiners fire
When I was a witness I was full of hate. Mainly I hated worldly people who were having fun while I suffered at 6 day assemblies, and meetings. I hated them so bad I wanted to kill them.
Once I left the organization My hate changed focus. I wanted to kill organization members now, people who had been instrumental in robbing me of my life, as I percieved it.
education cured me of my hate (something the organization is anti, by the way) I educated myself by reading old Watchtowers right from 1879 thru to present day. Reading those old WT mags taught me everything I know. What a totalitarianism is. How it works. Why its leaders decieve and mislead on certain issues. How they practise that misleading. I learnt that ALL totalitarianisms practise these same practises. And that the dubs were nothing new on the face of the earth. I saw those old boys at WT headquaters for what they were. Blind old men. Scared to death of being caught out. Like naughty boys with their hands in the cookie jar. Obsessed with maintaining their pathetic control over others lives
Knowing that, all my hate evaporated. I feel only pity for them now.
dude...I dont need anger management!
Just in case you bump to a native speaking xjw finn, please refer to she/he as "luopio" not as "(Jehovan) todistaja".
Actually, I like being called an apostate - especially by a group of cultists. It demonstrates how well I have my head screwed on and all my mental facilities working.
It has the added benefit of tarring the people who use the word. In the present atmosphere of awareness of the universality of truth, and the ubiquitious and non-judgemental nature of the Spirit, anyone engaging in the use of a term left over from the Spanish Inquisition is instantly identified as an intolerant religious troglodyte and a throwback to the ages of darkness.
So you go right ahead and be as perjorative as you can with that label. It does you great harm and it further confirms the rightness of my personal spiritual chosing.
Edited by - Francois on 30 June 2002 6:46:41
I don't mind, especially as I am apostate - I turned away from God. However I don't like the way JWs use labels for people. They don't just shun people they've slapped a label on, they actually hate them. Previously much loved family members are treated with fear and loathing, just because they don't believe in an Organisation any more. I've been disfellowshipped for apostasy for over 20 yrs and now I'm getting older - soon to turn 50, I am just so saddened that I will never be accepted or welcomed at a family gathering. I think I miss my loved ones more now than I ever did - but sadly I cannot convince myself that God exists, just so my family will accept me.
Anger management? You ask of us, what you say Jehovah does not have. Has he no anger control? Remember Armageddon?
: Do all of you ex-Jehovah's witnesses get upset when you are called an apostate?
I don't. I revel in it.
:You all call each other apostates, so why should you all get upset if I call you apostates?
We don't. Why do you get upset when we call you "asshole?"
Marylyn: "now I'm getting older - soon to turn 50, I am just so saddened that I will never be accepted or welcomed at a family gathering.
Same here......48. I can deal with no family gatherings as mine were usually ruined by at least one argument by someone or someone getting drunk and being an asshole that ruined the is the principal behind it that bothers me.
It's my recently being totally cut off from my grandkids and having them look at their grandpa that they love very much.......and labeling me apostate.
Why couldn't one of the planes headed for one of the towers........missed and slammed into bethel (with no one in the building) I wouldn't want to see any of them killed but a destruction of their property that aides them in ruining lives.....would be nice.
What's an "apostate"?