Can 'truth' change?

by wholewheat 69 Replies latest jw friends

  • cyrano


    Why did the watchtower teach vaccinations were a sin against God?

    This was held as truth.

    Several JW children died from smallpox because they failed to get vaccinated.

    They were so sure it was bible 'truth' they paid with their life just like they do now with blood transfusions.

    How do you justify childrens lives over something taught as 'truth'?

    Was God behind this 'truth'?

    Do you think God was displeased over this? Or perhaps you think he is happy to see children sacrificed in His name over false 'truths'

    Your cult is a deathtrap.

    God doesn't spew out this crap, men do.

  • Satanus

    Comparing religious truth w scientific truth is like comparing horses and frogs. Religious 'truths' are based on faith based on the socalled words of god (bible). These words are claimed to have come from the mouth of the divine who knows all. So, religionists start out w ideas that faith tells them are eternal. They think that scientists will eventually be forced to accept their divine truths. As soon as eternal divine truths are shown to be wrong, or in need of change, the whole house of cards comes tumbling down.

    Science on the other hand, is based on the testing of ideas (skepticism). Ideas that withstand testing are eventually accepted as truths.

    When wholewheat suggests that divine truths could change as scientific truths change, he just wants to get out from the corner into which religion has painted him. Give it up, wholewheat.


  • SpiderMonkey
    So, is it possible that Physics, which is an exacting science, could have a 'law' that has to be updated or even corrected? If so, why can't Bible 'truths' be expanded on, even corrected? Remember, there were christians in the first century who were filled with Holy Spirit that believed that gentile christians had to be circumcised, and yet they had to be 'corrected' or 'updated' by Paul.

    Thanks for making the point for us ...even though you have, once again, missed the point.

    EVERY FIELD OF SCIENCE IS *BASED* ON CONTINUOUS REVISION, because we begin with the assumption that we don't know everything. None of it has *ever* been touted as "The Truth"; at best it's presented as a "working model." Newton's physics were the working model for a very long time, and then along came Einstein. His theory of relativity became the working model, and then along came quantum physics. Can you quote one quantum physicist who says that his ideas or theories constitute "The Truth"? What I'm trying to say is that your whole analogy is a big pile of poo

  • LB

    So ok, make this clear for me. Scientists don't get disfellowshipped for not believing their instructors???

  • larc

    LB, If you disagree with your professors, you wait until you graduate, then you publish your work which is peer reviewed, and fellow scientist via replication verify if your disagreement is correct or not.

  • SYN

    Wholewheat, what "LAWS" of physics are you talking about? Last time I checked (and I stand to be corrected, unlike certain people), physics was about things that could be reproduced in different places. The Tower's DOCTRINE is entirely unlike this stuff - there is ONE group of people who control the doctrine, and they are NOT to be questioned by the average publisher, let alone someone much higher up in the BORG.

    You call THAT Truth? ROFL.

    That is not TRUTH - that is what is called a DICTATORSHIP. Nobody was allowed to question Hitler or Stalin, either!

  • ignored_one


    I love your posts. They usually say exactly what i've been thinking in a nice simple way.

    Ignored One.

  • crawdad2

    hi wheat,.............. so.... deut 18:20 changes?........ and matt 24:24 changes to?............ you mean after the gov body are proven to be false prophets, deserving of death,.......later they are appointed to be god's organization?

  • cyrano


    Thank you....that's very kind.

  • LB

    Methinks wholewheat has drifted away from this topic.

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