If you feel you are being pressured to *not* give your opinion because of threats against you - that is intimidation.
The threats can be veiled or obvious, public or by PM.
I think most people know if they are being threatened by someone.
by FusionTheism 141 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
If you feel you are being pressured to *not* give your opinion because of threats against you - that is intimidation.
The threats can be veiled or obvious, public or by PM.
I think most people know if they are being threatened by someone.
You claim that we are not tolerant - at least you claim that some of us aren't. Yet, no one has banned you from this forum.
You have been allowed to post as you see fit.
Yes, your posts have been criticised, and not without good reason in my opinion, but you are free to write what you will and are free to do so in the future. This is a tolerant forum.
It's a great pity that we cannot do likewise on christard forums.
I have been on christard forums and been extremely polite, as have countless others before and after me. Once we proclaim our Atheism, that's it. We are ejected and banned for life without reason. Not only that, our IP addresses are circulated to other religtard forums so that we can't even register on them.
This forum claims to be tolerant and tolerant it is because it hasn't banned you. It allows you to say what you see fit.
The people on this forum are also open minded but not so open minded that their brains fall out.
Consider and look that up in your Funk and Wagnalls before you go bitching and moaning about the treatment you receive on this forum.
So lets get this straight, if someone disagrees with your opinion thats bullying.
Only by agreeing with you can there be peace and love and and all things fluffy?
Start your own forum in that case... you can police and moderate it to death, or just write a blog and dont allow comments. you can be king of your own little dirt mound that way.
That's excellent; and as I noted, x-tianity is evolving. Last week I attended a gay wedding in an Episcopal church in the city where I live. It was their first gay wedding, very well attended and very confirming that x-tianity has hope. The minister was great, and he briefly re-counted the internal struggles and conversations he had with his church to make this happen.
Everyone in attendance was supportive; no one seemed to be faking it. Having said that, however, this was a fairly liberal x-tian church in an upscale area of the city where about 90% of the members are college grads.
Now let's send Rev. Graham an email. Theists, like it or not, will evolve to resemble atheists. And HMTM, outside of this forum, which can be caustic at times, I would imagine that every theist and atheist is a nice, decent person.
Witness My Fury: So lets get this straight, if someone disagrees with your opinion thats bullying. Only by agreeing with you can there be peace and love and and all things fluffy?
You have absolutely nailed the whole discussion. ;)
More truths: All Christians are lunatics and all atheists are intelligent, sane and generous. All Christians should be put into institutions and their children taken away (as someone here has said). All religious are idiots and all governments and institutions should be headed by atheists who being the best of the best will make all bad things go away and the earth will be filled with happy little elves busy at work doing all things good and great.
All wars will cease and hunger, crime and greed will be disappear.
Can't wait! ;)
The wedding included a very beautiful reading of 1 Corinthians 13 (Love never fails). I couldn't help but think, if they turned their bibles back a few pages, they would find themselves in a bit of a quandary. Paul said some very direct, unloving things about gays at 1 Corinthians 6. Therein lies the dilemma for x-tians. Cherry pick verses and admit that much of it is nonsense - and therefore NOT inspired - or stick to the hate-filled lessons and rules that the bible also teaches.
Thanks for relating that great experience, DJS.
I just read your last post. I agree, with what you said about Paul. I suppose the problem lies in how Paul's letters were categorized in the early church. They were put in the "inspired" column but are they really? As a Christian my personal opinion is that Paul wrote what he thought was good and for his time but his letters were not necessarily inspired.
Just my opinion on that.