by crawdad2 87 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • hawkaw


    I was a bit taken back by this too and agree with your comment on the amount. Why? Well a good lawyer sues everyone and anyone and goes for the throat.

    Obviously in tort law there are specific amounts designated through case law etc. to help out in the award (if any).

    It may be a case that this amount is what the plantiffs are asking for in damages plus they may also be asking for punitive damages in addition as well. There is usually no "price" fixed on punitive damages in a claim because the court or jury are awarding something to a party in addition to the requested amount because the court/jury are so outraged at actions of the defendants.

    I would urge you to go look at the claim by either calling up the court house or phoning J. Anderson's office directly.

    I t may cost you a little money but you could read the claim and find out for yourself.

    Have a great day.


    p.s. - Bill Bowen has nothing to do with the claim. Thus, you should direct your concerns to the lawyer, Jeff Anderson and the planitffs as to why this particular amount and NOT Bill.

  • Dutchie

    I personally think it was simply a typographical error and that the amount sued for was $5 Million Dollars and not $50 Thousand Dollars.

  • ChiChiMama

    Hello everyone,

    If I remember correctly the article said, "at least $50,000".

    It is my understanding that Jeff Anderson sets the minimum (whatever it may be) and lets the Jury empty pocketbooks when they make their judgement.

    He knows what he is doing.

    Edited by - ChichiMama on 5 July 2002 11:55:56

  • MikeMusto

    one time I got 4,000 dollars for being rear ended by another car.

    who would of thunk I could get rear ended and get paid for it.

    now i do it for free

  • crawdad2

    hawkaw.......... saying bill bowen has nothing to do with the claims is like saying the gov body has nothing to do with their elders................. how weak you are............ now i know why you kept tying to talk everyone out of suing...........

    and by the way,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, yes it's all about money ........ love, truth, and justice have no affect on the gov body........................ yes it all about the money .............take their big money away, and you will take their wicked control away, which is harboring molesters and every other vile deed........and causing more victims.

  • hawkaw

    Well cd2,

    I have never asked for anyone to NOT sue. In fact I have encouraged people to sue. The only thing I have suggested is to get good legal counsel and listen to counsel. Please provide the proof if I have told someone NOT to sue. Keep in mind only legal counsel can answer the question if a person can sue another, and only after interviewing the person who may have been wronged.

    As for Bill - he is not the lawyer. He has nothing to do with the determination of the claim or making the claim - that is the counsel's job. If you have proof to back up your "opinion" please provide it. Bill's roll is to make people aware of the problems through the press and internet. His job is simple. Someone sues - Bill goes and has a "press conference". You attract the press and they write stories - that's how it's done.

    And actually cd2, its not just the money as you wrongly contend. It's about money, ongoing press play to ensure that the thinking JWs and public "continually" hear the message, and getting responsible people charged for breaking the law. This combination makes a corporation change. You are only playing on one of three fields and that is the wrong way to do it.

    Now I must stop talking to you. You are sick person in need of some serious therapy. You are on the same side as Bill Bowen but then slam him for something he has absolutley no control over. You have even managed to pi$$ off some good "anti" Governing Body people on the board like dungbeetle. You have to be a real "hero" to do that and this only leads me to a conclusion that I hope you get to see a good doctor. You are at a stage where you are really mad at a group of people and really want at them. But when you are asked to help to go after these people, you refuse and you just bash the advocates such as Donald and now Bill of all people. I hope you get help for your sake. You need it.

    You know I don't think I have seen Jehovah's Witnesses who are "real society men" act like you.


    Edited by - hawkaw on 5 July 2002 15:8:15

  • crawdad2

    hi hawkaw, .......the gov body doesn't ask elders to harbor pedophiles........but their policys promote it ............ just like you and your words of advice for all victims, ....... you basically discourage them from suing without saying it in so many words........... and bill bowen isn't in on the $50,000 wet noodle to "spank" the gov body?.......... sure hawkaw, just like the gov body isn't in on what problems their elders have.

    if you suggest good legal counsel, why suggest a lawyer who is so disrespectful of a victim that he is suing for $ 50,000........ a slap in her face?

    it seems to me that both you and bill bowen want to "fix" the watchtower bible and tract society......... well, that's up to you, ..........i guess it's none of my business........... but i hope the victims that you are stockpiling wise up.................. lawyers like sylvia demarist, who won a 31 million dollar lawsuit against the diocese of dallas in 1997 are going to go right around you and bill bowen......... i hope you don't talk all the victims you have stockpiled into signing away their just right to be compensated,...for the peanuts that you talked heidi meyer into ripping her whole life apart again for.

    i am not on bill bowens team,.......... you can't fix a cult.....

  • ChiChiMama


    You don't know what you are talking about.

    If any of these cases are won by the Jeff Anderson Law Firm the final amounts will be much higher than $50,000 on each of them. I repete the JURY will have the final say.You are trying to make something out of nothing!

    Bill Bowen does not choose legal council for the victims.He has nothing to do with the legal process or the claims.

    Your attitude here is very suspicious.I have to wonder about your agenda here.

  • silentlambs

    It simply amazes me the stupidity manifested by those who do not think before they post a thread. If you take the time to actually read the lawsuit you will find the amount of the lawsuit is at LEAST $50,000 with the balance to be determined by a jury. If in these lawsuits we asked for $10,000,000 the victims would be accused of being money grubbers, if they ask for a small amount they are accused of being taken advantage of. You cannot win with idiots.

    The real issue moron is the children. Children who are yet to be born that will be raped unless wt policy is changed. That is the primary focus of any legal action supported by silentlambs. The public exposure and education of the public as well as brothers and sisters will force wt policy to change. Those who come forward have this as the primary reason for doing so. If it was only about money, not one of these young sisters would have even thought about going to court over this. They have more courage, honorable purpose and integrity in their little finger, than dumb asses like you who should think before they question motives.

    I trust Mr. Anderson, he has won hundreds of cases against church and molestation issues. If he wanted to sue for one penny, I would back his decision and so would the young sisters who have come forward. So next time you wish to shoot your mouth off, try sitting down and educating yourself about the real issues at stake before you try to challenge those who are actually doing something meaningful for children.


  • Simon

    well said Bill.

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