*waiting for crawdad to come in and say how this proves that Bill Bowen is a member of the Governing Body*
by crawdad2 87 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
So next time you wish to shoot your mouth off, try sitting down and educating yourself about the real issues at stake before you try to challenge those who are actually doing something meaningful for children.
I concur with Simon. "Well Said!"
I admire your devotion and willingness to keep going. Truly, you are an inspiration to many.
Thank You.
hi bill bowen............ it's about time you came forward and spoke your mind about the questions i had, that turned into accusations because you are to stuck up to answer them............. thank you for comming forward instead of sending your liar puppet hawkaw....... who denys you are even involved in the lawsuit............. thank you for standing your ground against my accusations............i hope silent lambs doesn't turn into a mere holding pen for all the victims while you play policy change for low bucks with the gov body.......... i know how wicked the gov body and their organization is........... they will promise all kinds of policy changes...... but the nature of the organization will always be "control and silencing".........until the gov body looses so much money that they loose control of their own congregations.........until then victims will be silenced ....... just look now, they deny there is even a problem.................
crawdad2 - I think you are just making yourself look silly with these rediculous attacks on Bill.
Hey Crawdad, since your email is locked, I'm posting this to you here. I think you might find this info. helpful. As I read through it, I saw some of my own feelings and reactions, hope it helps you too:
Simon is right, you are making yourself look silly.
When anyone including Bill doesn't answer your questions it doesn't mean that they are "stuck up."
Most of us dwell in a Universe that is much larger than the one you seem to dwell in. Some of us go days, weeks, and sometimes months, without frequenting this board.
Give it up. Your not fooling anyone.
hi bill bowen,
your statement........"the real issue moron, is the children"........ is very interesting to me.........especially after all the posts i put up about how children are being victimized, i even describe it in detail, and what the elders say to them................. in my opinion you can get all the media attention you want,.....ray franz's book is great too, but.... it has no affect on current jws......... they only listen to the gov body's propaganda............ so far you have almost all of the victims coming to your site............victims with mind blowing cases..................... and only 2 are being advised to sue.........and you remind me that the victims are more honorable than me, because they are not suing for big money, ....when the only thing that is going to bring a change for children currently being raped is suing for big money.......and every time i put up a post about suing for big money.......your puppet hawkaw and company make's sure everyone knows how difficult it is to sue........... it all makes me think that you might be advising the victims not to sue, cause you can get the gov body to make a policy change ............and fix the cult.......is this true bill bowen?
Geeeezzzzze Craw!
Haven't you taken your medication lately? I think they are looking for you at the hospital!
Craw....why can't you see you are going against the majority?!
You OBVIOUSLY know nothing about Law, Lawyers and Court Cases. Everything Bill and hawkaw say are true. It isn't easy to just sue someone. What society have you been living in?
Quit with the accusations towards Bill. For Chris'sakes Craw! He's only trying to help them. He's not their attorney, doesn't claim to be and never has.
Why don't you educate yourself on Criminology and Law. Maybe look up some cases.....the atttorney's know what they are doing. It's just all part of the plan
The child abuse issue obviously disturbs you far more deeply than you seem to feel it disturbs others.
Can I ask a simple question? Apart from bleating in the wind, and jamming repetative phrases on our screens as you have been doing on this Board for some weeks now, what are YOU doing to help the situation in a practical way?
Bill may not be perfect, but he has put himself in harms way for these children. What have you done?
Talk and words are cheap Crawdad.
hi hillary,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,hahahahahha............bill bowen is afraid to answer me????????????........ a puppet comes forward??????????????............ HAHAHAHAHAHAA........