Rock on OutLaw, lol We need to hang out!
by crawdad2 87 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
Crawdad's focus is all about the watchtower and he wants to USE the victims to further his own agenda. He cares not for the victims, but is simpl out to get even and get revenge on the tower.
Bill has demonstrated that he has the interests of the victims primarily in mind in that he lets them chose how best to cope with their suffering and pain. For some a lawsuit is the best option. For others getting validation and a listening ear is the best and for others direction to professional counsellors. I know Bill has helped people explore all these options based on what is best for the individual survivor!!
Crawdad, foaming at the mouth does little to help. Besides screaming and accusing Bill of impropriety, what exactly is it you are doing to help these survivors?
hi kismet,
bills motives are good...he is a great man, like ray franz....... and his site is helping victims....i was a little mad to hear about $50,000.......... but understand it will end up more.........bill has mentioned it's not about the money, it about the victims......... i agree,'s about the money to the gov body.......they care nothing about love, truth, justice, policy changes or victims.
i can only try to help the victims who are still being abused................ the way i'm trying to do that is to get victims to sue for big money, whether they want it or not....... and not to cut a deal with the gov body for a policy change that bill keeps mentioning............ i am encouraging victims to sue, each one, for as much as they can get,.......and they will do so much damage to the organization, that it will never have the control it had again...........and victims won't be silenced........then the abuse will stop.
bill seems to have a different idea......he thinks he can bring about a policy change with alot of publicity and education.
Have you ever had a litigation ongoing in the American courts? Let me tell you just a little secret, the dollar amount means not one thing. The fact that the court and a lawyer even accepts to try the case is all that matters. Forget about the dollar amount My sis sued for 1 million dollars and walked out of court with 12 grand. Let us stay focused on who is the enemy ok? Also people are a bit more receptive to ideas when delivered in a more humble way, IMO.
YO!Crotchdad,you have some serious mental issue's do deal with,not to mention your people skills.
Edited by - obiwan on 6 July 2002 17:2:39
So the way you're helping is by "encouraging" people to sue for lots of money? Much like you encouraged in this thread? SO in other words.. you're doing nothing right?
Hey Crawdad,in your last post on this page you say Bills motives are good,he is a great man..In your initial post on this thread you ask:Bill are you scratching the GB backs or something?On page 2,your 2nd post you ask Hawk:Bill Bowen isn`t in on the$50,000.00 wet noodle to spank the GB?On page 3 your 3rd post you say:If Bill wants to control victims he has to be able to answer questions. You also say hillary and Hawk are Bills puppets.You don`t think Bill is a great man and his motives are good.You out and out say he`s working with the GB to cover the whole mess over.You couldn`t give a rats ass about the victims Bill works so hard for.It seems very important to you,to de-rail Bills work.You are a lying ,manipulative,decietfull,WBTS dirtbag troll...OUTLAW
Edited by - OUTLAW on 6 July 2002 18:4:7
hi outlaw............. well,....... i think bills motives are good....... even though i disagree with his policy of trying to fix the organization, i think ray franz already tried that......i guess i need to keep in mind that bill bowen is still a jw...........and so are alot of the victims............................... i wish hawkaw would have not tried to tell me bill had nothing to do with the law suits........bill bowen is in charge..........that just proves hawkaw will say anything to further his adgenda. ............and yes, i think hawkaw and hillary are his puppets............ bill is doing a great job with his site....... i just disagree with him.
ps........ i don't like the idea of bill sending his puppet hawkaw to discourage victims from finding other lawyers and suing for big money.......... i don't think he should do that.
Edited by - crawdad2 on 6 July 2002 20:28:5
I am Bill's puppet. He sent me with a message: "phuck off"
I think you're an agent of Satan. Prove otherwise.