For me, the pleasure is in watching the process unfold when a naive new dubbie rides into this forum with Watchtower Guns blazing. I'm referring to the kind of dub that is a 100% Watchtowerite who thinks s/he can dazzle us with Watchtower arguments and exegesis.
After getting bruised and bloodied for several rounds, this same dub stops yakking and starts listening and more importantly, asking questions and actually LEARNING about the Watchtower religion and what it is really about.
Finally, the supreme pleasure comes when the honest dub is forced to admit their religion is patently manipulative and thoroughly dishonest.
It reminds me of the transformation in the movie Awakenings. Watching a dormant brain begin to function after years of neglect, makes all the crap that happens on this board insignificant by comparison.
My second great pleasure is looking at all the boobie pictures, of course.
Thank you for your kind words, by the way.
Edited by - Farkel on 4 July 2002 12:25:11