What do you hope to find here, Reasurance? Most of the people who visit these boards have the same kind of problems and difficulties you have experienced. By coming here have they become wiser or redeemed from that big bad monster...Not Likely!
You've been "peeking" in for six months and ne're said a word? You've got problems this kind of ningling can never help. What you need is professional help. Most of these people will never recover from the kind of mind control the WTS proliferates. Most will never be totally sure they made the right decision to leave. Whether DF or left on their own doesn't matter. The brainwashing goes deep and the scars never go away.
Is this beginning to sound like a bad dream? It's certainly more than a dream....It's a down to earth NIGHTMARE. One which you'll probably never quite wake up from.
You don't pray anymore......Why? Because you don't know what to call GOD. That alone should give you a clue that you're in big trouble and that the purveyers of evil...WTS are still controling your mind.
Do you think GOD hates you? Is GOD only known by one name? If I were a GOD I would make certain that I had an infinite number of names so that if any one of my children wanted to call on me I would be there for them.
GOD does have an infinite number of names and they all begin with LOVE in an infinite number of languges we know nothing about.
The word GOD is as close as we can come to the word LOVE....If there were no greater thing that could be said of GOD than LOVE then that is HIS name.....Getting the picture?
GOd may indeed have a church which HE established here on earth to get HIS message across but if it doesn't hold the same expectation for everyone who has ever lived and if GOD doesn't give every opportunity to come to him without judgement or scorn then that church is not HIS.
First find and experience GODS pure love by prayer....then go looking for HIS reprsentatives!