I pointed out the evidence that the Society is sneaking away from
the blood issue to a 'loyal' relative.
She replied "Well, that's good then, right?"
Sometimes it just takes your breath away!
The Society is quietly moving down the 'mainstream' path.
Do we applaud (they're not killing or hurting as many people)
or do we vomit? (uh, does this make you realize how they never had
God backing them?)
Confusing isn't it? What's the old joke about the definition
of mixed feelings?
Your mother-in-law drives over a cliff in your new car.
How incredible - they're going to get away with it!
No one will notice anything! I talked with an elder in mixed
company about how the Society now allows kids to go to college
- he said "They never told kids not to go to college"????!!!!
We were never at war with Eurasia - we were always at war
with Oceania!
I guess I'll clap and try to hold down my lunch.