notes from the underground

by Incense_and_Peppermints 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • Incense_and_Peppermints

    the secret private jw message board, that is

    so, how do they determine this, exactly? (whether or not someone is in "good standing". is there a form with twenty questions you fill out, or something? doesn't their bible say "only jehovah can read hearts"? their arrogance and exclusivity is mind-boggling! even among their own kind, for chrissakes.)

    Registered User
    Posts: 1
    (5/19/02 2:25:54 pm)
    Jehovah's Witnesses Cruise
    Hello there,

    We are a planning a cruise for only JW's in good standing. If you do want to join us, we will need your Presiding Overseers name and number to verify that you are in good standing. This will be our 5th cruise and we have had nothing but wholesome fun on the last few. If want to try cruising it is great because all food is included plus the activities on the boat (except aquaspa activities). We will be going on the Celebrity Cruise Line (5 star rating). Our group rate is awesome~~ actually the best price we ever got in the last 5 cruises, I guess because of the 9/11 aftermath and people just don't want to travel that much anymore. That is just my opinion though.

    Please e-mail me for the specifics. A little bit about it:
    Date: November 30, 2002
    Southern Caribbean Itinerary:
    San Juan Puerto Rico
    St. Croix
    St. Lucia
    and St. Thomas!

    For example if you have 4 in a cabin and an inside room the total cost is only $472.00 per person. The regular price is $1700 per person. It is an unbelievable group rate.

    Please e-mail me at: [email protected] for more information. Thanks!

    The Lopert family.
  • The_Bad_Seed

    That is BEYOND lame...

  • Incense_and_Peppermints

    buahahahaha... how funny they think they're keeping the "riff-raff" out

    cosmiq Unregistered User(4/11/02 2:58:38 pm)
    new site
    Well, this is different! Looks Ok from so far, I think it will take a while to get used to tho'! If it means keeping out any rif-raf then I'm all for it!
  • The_Bad_Seed

    I think, seeing as this person so foolishly posted their email address, that I am going to request a spot on the cruise. I'll post the reply when I get it, even rif-raf need vacations you know.

  • Incense_and_Peppermints

    (i'm laughing out loud)

    good luck!

  • Incense_and_Peppermints

    i can't copy and paste anymore. i got a little dialog that says "DO NOT STEAL!"

    sheesh. they're no fun.

  • Dawn

    This will be our 5th cruise and we have had nothing but wholesome fun on the last few

    blahhhhhhh. I would much rather spend my evenings at Oyster Joe's in Mazatlan - lots of loud music, dancing, and tequila - now THAT IS FUN!!

  • Incense_and_Peppermints

    hmm... i wonder exactly what "wholesome fun" is. can't be anything good...

    let's see: bible pictionary? 'bombardment of bible questions?

    Lisa : We give up. "Well guess! Book of breathing lion's head...tail made out of snakes...who else is it gonna be? Bart : (unsure) Jesus? "Jes- Jes- Don't you kids know anything? The serpent of Rehboam? The well of Zohssadr? The bridal feast of Beth Chadruharazzeb?
    - Ned playing 'bombardment of bible questions'

    Suppertime: In the Flanders home, Rod and Todd Flanders look forward to a meal.
    Rod: "Oh boy! Liver!"
    Todd: "Iron helps us play!"

    Maude : Todd, would you like some mixed vegetables? Todd : Hell, no! Maude : What did you say? Todd : I said I don't want any damn vegetables! "All right, that's it, young man! No Bible stories for you tonight! (Todd runs crying out of the room) Maude : Weren't you a little hard on him? "Well, you knew I had a temper when you married me" -Ned laying down the law

    "Look, Homer, all of us pull a few boners now and then, go off half-cocked, make asses of ourselves don't want to be hard on you,
    but I just wish you wouldn't curse in front of my boys!"

    "Bless the grocer for this wonderful meat, the middleman who jacked up the price, and let's not forget the humane but determined boys at the slaughterhouse" - Ned saying grace

    "If it's clear and yella, you got juice there, fella! If it's tangy and brown, you're in cider town. Now, there's two exceptions and it gets kinda tricky here ........and of course in Canada the whole things flip flop." Neds device for identifying apple products

    "Why me, Lord? Where have I gone wrong? I've always been nice to people! I don't drink or dance or swear! I've even kept Kosher just to be on the safe side! I've done everything the Bible says; even the stuff that contradicts the other stuff! What more could I do?"
    - Ned praying after his house is destroyed

  • Southland

    Incense: Are you trying to right-click to copy and paste? If so, it's easy for a web site to disallow right-click. Have you tried highlighting the text and then pressing Ctrl C to copy?

  • The_Bad_Seed

    Just sent this off...Neuphoto is my email address...

    Hi Loperts!

    While being happy for your planning a cruise for only Jehovahs Witnesses in good standing, I must however express my distaste at your excluding rif-raf from the festivities! I did want to join you, but for the sake of threatening the fun of all, took an inventory of my past transgressions with my Presiding Overseer, and found that I have sinned far too many times this year to gain Jehovahs favor, and hence, won't be able to join you. I kick myself for not fighting the urge to transgress, your group rate really IS amazing! On the QC, if you are short on replies, and maybe are still interested in having me come as a 'rif-raf guest' (I could hide in the boiler rooms, or the galley) to retain your group rate, please let me know before the end of August so I can just bypass this whole good standing poo, so I don't have to work on it for cruise 6 next year. Looking forward to hearing from you!



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