notes from the underground

by Incense_and_Peppermints 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • ItsJustlittleoldme
    brothers in different area's in the safe zones around the building right away began prayers, and the brothers and sisters sang Kingdom melodies as the police and fire department searched the building.

    Dear Jehovah,

    We pray that you do NOT blow up and destroy this worldy building until we can get the fresh spiritual food that we desperatly need so much so we can understand better as to why/when and how you plan to destroy this worldy building and convention center. Please understand that only your loyal flock are in the building, and we respectfully ask that you hold off blowing the building up until the building is full with those aligned with Satan. We ask this in the name of your son, Jesus Christ. Amen.

  • Incense_and_Peppermints

    that's the funniest damn thing i've heard all day! LOLOLOLOL

  • truthseeker1

    they forgot to mention that many of the Police and Fire Dpt were so impressed by how organized the witnesses were that many of them accepted bible studies and some have already dedicated themselves to baptism. 3 now serve as elders in the local KH.

  • kelsey007

    I wrote and E-mailed the following in repsonse to the cruise:

    As I read you announcement about the cruise I was impressed with your efforts to keep the rif-raf out.Wholesome, upbuilding association is good. As I have small children I have to ask the following questions. Please do not be disturbed but I must ask. Are children allowed to join? Giving the recently revealed information that there are pedaphiles in our organization is there any way to do background checks on those going? (Since the Society nor the elders will release such info) Could we send a special invite to Bill Bowen since of this date he is still in good standing and has the interest of our children at heart? Thanks for your time in repsonding to my questions. A concerned parent 
  • detective

    The evacuation was calm and orderly though a bit slow due to having to stop every other row to wake up yet another snoozing member of Jah's army...

  • SYN

    Hehe...good thread!

    All the Convention-goes were probably relieved for a break in the tedium!

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