by minimus 83 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Gregor

    Odd this would come up now. My wife and I just met some people and over wine and cheese we got to talking about our backgrounds. We told them that we have been married 42 years and that we met each other through the cult we had been raised within. Their ears perked up,"oh, really! what cult was it? " (I've been through this conversation many times before with other people). I said, well, originally they were called "Russelites", then they named themselves the International Bible Students and then in the 1930s they adopted the name "Jehovahs Witnesses". They respond, "Oh, yeah, I've heard of them!" (sometimes they know someone who is, or was, etc)

    At his point I plant the poison pill. "Yes they are one of the most dangerous, controlling cults there is. Remember Jim Jones in 1978 who got over 900 followers to commit suicide by drinking cyanide laced Kool-Aid? well, the JWs have led thousands into religous suicide through their cult teachings. And so on. When I'm through I pity the next JW that comes to their door .

    So all the above posts about whether JWs fit some 'definition' of a cult or not is just an exercise to me. It is a cult by any measure and when you explain it to non witnesses they see it as a cult also. Websters dictionary should define the word cult as "Jehovahs Witnesses". period.

  • lonelysheep

    Min, you did have less than 10K posts at one time!

  • Qcmbr

    There was once a time when catholics killed people who disagreed with there particular brand of religion. The protestant churches of that period more or less did the same.

    The JWs have never tried to kill anyone for leaving (though shunning - as a policy - is definately coercive) and to my experience haven't burnt anyone at the stake for apostacy.

    All religions are a cult or sect and no amount of protesting will ever change that - this baloney amount mainstream is silliness since all that means is a majority church has stylised itself as legit through numerical supremacy(given a 100 years with current declining attendance rates the 'mainstream' anglican church may well be a minor group of Christianity who barely register.) The day may conceivably come when christianity is represented by JWs,Mormons,born agains etc..the ones who still have the intellectual honesty to believe they are right and everyone else is wrong.

    Almost all of the regular criticisms of cults would also have to be leveled at any church that was actually right (for example if the JWs were actually correct their behaviour would by and large be expected) - only churches that aren't sure they have truth and authority cease talking about absolutes of behaviour and water down their beliefs to be so general that they end up being groups of NPWs - nice people worshipping.

  • mkr32208

    I just can't imagine slogging through the hundred of pages of threads you've started to find this one... UGH! better you than me!

  • minimus

    mkr, it would be easier to have search working.

  • BizzyBee

    From my old, much-used Sociology textbook, for what it's worth:

    "The sect is an exclusive and uncompromising religious organization, usually one that has split off from a denomination for doctrinal reasons. Particularly in the period soon after the founding of a sect, its adherents are generally recruited by conversion, with membership restricted to those who give continuing proof of their commitment. The sect is usually less socially "respectable" than the denomination, and its members are usually of lower socio-economic status. Intolerant of other religious organiations, it is dogmatic and fundamentalist, believing that its particular interpretation of the Scriptures is the literal and only route to salvation. The sect also tends to be indifferent or hostile to political authority, which it often regards as too worldly and corrupt. Sects usually have no trained clergy, and rituals of worship emphasize emotion, spontaneity, and extensive participation by the congregation........Contemporary North American sects include Jehovah's Witnesses, the Assembly of God, the Amish and Hassidic Jews."

    "Unlike the sect, which attempts to revive or reinterpret older doctrines, the cult emphasizes the new, drawing symbols and rituals from beyond the religious mainstream. It usually has few coherent doctrines and imposes minimal demands on believers: it is open to almost anyone who wishes to participate. The members tend to have relatively low commitment to the organization and people drift in and out of the group. Cults include Rosicrucians, spiritualists, and believers in astrology and transcendental meditation."

    WTS is too well-organized at this point to be a cult - upgrade them to a sect. However, that doesn't mean they aren't all a bunch of lying, murthering wankers!

  • Gregor

    Wheretofor I have referred to the JWs as a cult, I will henceforth, in light of the delineation of the term "sect" by our colleague, the right, honourable, Bizzy Bee, refer to that organization as such and will nevermore use the term "cult" to describe their odious modus. Even in the event of their offering their followers a refreshing fruit flavored beverage containing strychnine, they will be a sect, not a cult.

  • diamondblue1974

    The criterion set out by Europes post earlier in this thread says it all in my view; JW are a cult through and through; why else do they need to publish articles about why they are not a cult?

    Looks like a cult; smells like a cult, lets be honest they are a cult!

    Based upon Europe's comments any political party could be viewed as a cult.Concerning the dismissive statement:JW's are just a cult, then we should have no problem agreeing that the Roman CATHOLIC Church is also a cult....btw after reviewing Europe's comments all of us on this board are a cult.

    Minimus you are assuming that there are in existence only religious cults; there are commercial cults such as Amway etc, and there are also political cults as well such as the nazi regime.

    I fail to see though how Europes post indicates that Roman Catholicism is a cult; in catholicism you can be devout or you can be on the fringe edge and non practising without being shunned by the rest of the group; within cults by way of contrast you can be shunned for not complying with the rules and going along with the ritualist way of life. Theres a clear difference in my view. I think the same applies to political parties too.


  • sass_my_frass

    That's funny, I like using the word because it's such a violent way to disengage the stranglehold that their indoctrination has on my thought processes. I say 'cult cult cult' to myself a bit actually.

    Lots of things are a cult. Amway, the army, shopping malls, diets, fashion. Just about every institution has a control method to hook people.

  • minimus

    Diamond, there are more than a few evangelicals that believe Roman Catholicism is a "cult".

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