QUOTE: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- No...since the company in question makes a rotary engine which MAY be used in future unmanned military aircrafts by a company they do business with. What you are saying is similar to saying JimBoy's Steel plant that sells steel to General Dynamics is a tank factory.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I'm a nurse, I only help donators to give their blood inorder to save others'lives. Am I alright ?
I'm a doctor, I only help to transfuse blood into patients with blood of someone else that I never know who he/she is (the donator).
Both cases nothing to do with my own blood.
AM I ALRIGHT ??????????????????????????
Dump all those shares, return them to the "Faithful" McCann !
The "apostate" Anton Koerber was expelled from Bethel in 1935. He came back to Bethel and asking for reinstated postion as a pioneer in 1952. T. J.Sullivan told Bill Cetnar (Service department) came down and tell Anton:"Anton, if you really love Jehovah you should serve him for as many hours as you can without out the title. You are merely being denied the tittle not the privilege of service." It means The Soceity refuses to give Anton the title as pioneer.
He came back, gave Nathan Knorr a Cadillac, and reinstated, the serve in many high postions and even been praised in a Watchtower after he passed away (WT May 15, 1968). This article told us: "Anton ...was etremely generous in a material way" (page 318 of that Watchtower) [As told by Bill Cetnar in "Questions for JWs" page 65, 1983)
The Watchtower has a deal with the Navy.
by avengers 159 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Copyright 2000 Business Wire, Inc.
Business WireOctober 23, 2000, Monday
HEADLINE: Reg Technologies, Inc. -- License Agreement Completed With Coltec, Inc. For Rand Cam Internal
Combustion EngineDATELINE: VANCOUVER, B.C., Oct. 23, 2000
Reg Technologies, Inc. (OTCBB:REGRF) (CDNX:RRE.) wishes to announce that its US subsidiary company REGI U.S.Inc., (OTCBB:RGUS) has entered into a 5-year license agreement with Coltec, Inc. wherein REGI and Coltec have jointly
agreed to participate in government sponsored research and development programs utilizing REGI's proprietary Rand
Cam(TM) technology.REGI U.S., Inc. agrees to protect certain government and military products by granting a 5-year licence to Coltec.
In consideration for the license agreement for the Rand Cam(TM) technology for certain military / government use, Coltec
agrees to pay REGI U.S., Inc. 5% of the gross sales of all products sold. Coltec also agrees to reimburse REGI for its labour
for phase I and phase II from the funds received by the government / military grants. It also agrees that all inventions that are
improvements to the Rand Cam(TM) technology shall be granted to REGI under a perpetual, no-cost license for its products.
Pat Badgley, Chief Engineer for REGI, stated that he is very pleased that we are working with Coltec's team of creative, high
energy engineers with over 25 years combined expertise in the rotary engine development and engineering services. -
Does this company that they own 50% of actually make bombs? Or parts of a bomb? A bomb being something that blows up, goes kaboom.------------amac
Regi (this company that the WTS owns 51.44% of) has a contract with the US NAVY to build the engine that is used in the Smart War-fighter Array of Re-figurable Modules (SWARM) unmanned aerial vehicle WHICH HAS THE CAPABILITIES TO CONVERT INTO AN EXPENDABLE BOMB ..............
do you really expect to convince anyone on this forum that they should doubt the truth of this matter? One has to be able to read in order to participate on this forum, and if one can read, the truth of the matter is quite obvious from the SEC Filings and newswires here. why are you spending your time trying to cover for this organization? take your kid to the beach or something.......
Edited by - deddaisy on 18 July 2002 4:0:55
This makes me sick to my stomach.
I own a business, and I do work for churches, while most active witnesses won't. Why?
Because of the latest article on working for churches. Go back and read it, i think it is 2000 sometime. It starts out by saying it is a decision each must make for himself, the latest corporate cover your ass tactic they use to later say, well, we said they must make their own decision.
THEN they proceed to say how wrong it is.Then at the end of the article, they allow that a business owner would NEVER make a contract with a church.
And finally they concede that if you are not the owner, but just an employee, and you were told you had to do the work, it would be ok.
Wow. Hey, it's ok, my employer said I had to.
This is true; my niece works for me and that is her position. It just blew me away. So is it ok for her to take blood then, if I make the decision for her?So, it must not be too wrong in the first place.
If WacoTower and Dark Society really haven't known their shares actually contributed to the killing bombs yet ? I doubt about it, for this following Germany website had the topic since 1998 (4years ago)
And this topic always has a defender : amc .WHY ? Is there anything with conscience in this matter?
Read the old topic:
Read again in 1 Tim. 6:9 "However, those who are determined to be rich fall into temptation and a snare and many senseless and hurtful desires, which plunge men into destruction and ruin...by reaching outfor this love some have been led astray from the faith and have stabbed themselves all over with many pains"
Edited by - jwsons on 18 July 2002 9:26:2
I'm not sure why I have to repeat this so many times, especially to the likes of jwsons, outlaw and dedaisy, but I AM NOT DEFENDING THE WT! I have stated that if they still hold these shares, they are either negligent or hypocritical. WHAT MY ATTEMPT HAS ALWAYS BEEN IS TO KEEP THIS FACTUAL AND TO STOP EXAGERRATIONS FROM PROPAPAGATING!
I'm not going to argue the details any further because it seems futile. I am in agreement that this is wrong. It is just frustrating to see stupid summarizations like "WT OWNS 50% OF BOMB FACTORY" because it shows that the person making the statement has no understanding of SEC Filings or business dealings. The end result, I'm afraid, might be that a JW reading this with half a brain will say to himself "What a moron!" and write the whole thing off.
Either way, this topic became boring a long time ago.
WBTS owns shares in a bomb parts factory.Without the right parts,the bomb won`t go ka-boom.It would be as usless as your arguement...OUTLAW
The end result, I'm afraid, might be that a JW reading this with half a brain will say to himself "What a moron!" and write the whole thing off.--------amac
don't be so hard on yourself.........
Either way, this topic became boring a long time ago.-----amac
In other words, you haven't been able to refute the evidence that has been presented (what have you presented other than, well other than nothing,) so you'll just wait til this topic comes up at a later date and you'll make your appearance using a different name, but the same old, same old, moronic defense.........
The WT has 50% stock in Rand Cam Engine Corp (with no voting proxy so I believe they have no control) not REGI or REG TECHNOLOGIES.-----------amccullough
how interesting......so we have evidence of the WTS owning 51% stock in REGI and REG TECHNOLOGIES, but you're telling us they ALSO have 50% stock in Rand Cam Engine Corp....wow......it almost seems ALL these companies are owned by the same persons, don't you think........
I've already acknowledged that the WT has a MINOR connection to a company developing products for military applications--------------amccullough
OMG, this is your best one to date! LMAO........why do I have the feeling that members of the GB could be caught on film PILOTING FIGHTER JETS and you would acknowledge that their action may be "a slight detour in WT policy prohibiting military involvement."
...and I am anxious for someone to refute it.....or maybe I'm right.----------amccullough
thank God you can relax now..........the bottom line is you know the truth, how you can supposedly have "love" for your brothers and not only keep silent about the hypocrisy, but promote it by covering for them, is beyond reasoning.................
how interesting......so we have evidence of the WTS owning 51% stock in REGI and REGTECHNOLOGIES, but you're telling us they ALSO have 50% stock in Rand Cam Engine Corp....wow......it almost seems ALL these companies are owned by the same persons, don't you think........
Your above statement shows that you have no understanding of the sec filings or any of the information posted by yourself or others. Since it has been explained numerous times by numerous people on numerous threads and you still don't understand, I'm not going to bother trying to explain it now.
And Outlaw figures if he/she keeps saying the same stupid statements over and over that it makes them true. Calling REGI a bomb factory is equivalent to calling Texas Instruments a tank factory. (TI designs and manufactures many different technologies that are used on tanks.)
how interesting......so we have evidence of the WTS owning 51% stock in REGI and REGTECHNOLOGIES, but you're telling us they ALSO have 50% stock in Rand Cam Engine Corp....wow......it almost seems ALL these companies are owned by the same persons, don't you think........------deddaisy
Your above statement shows that you have no understanding of the sec filings or any of the information posted by yourself or others.-----amac
humor me amac.......what relevant part of the SEC Filings is it that you believe I have trouble understanding. The part that shows the WTS listed as owning stock?
Since it has been explained numerous times by numerous people on numerous threads and you still don't understand, I'm not going to bother trying to explain it now.
again amac, humor me. All you are doing is rambling without backing yourself up. Your rambling about "you have no understanding of the SEC Filings" and "I'm not going to explain it now," is bullshit. If there is a relevant part of the SEC Filing that I am blowing out of context, then confront me with it and let me address it instead of this nonsense of you talking without saying anthing.
The bottom line is your beloved Watchtower Society's name is listed on Regi's SEC Filing as owning 51.44% stock in the company. Regi, who the WTS owns 51.44% of, has various defense contracts, one being with the US NAVY for developing and building the engine that will power the Smart War-fighter Array of Re-configurable Modules unmanned aerial vehicle which has the capability of converting into an expendable BOMB.
If you have a problem with this information amac, I suggest you take your issues up with the WTS, not me. It is, afterall, the WTS's decision to own this stock, and noone else's. And the WTS is an organization who's conduct reflects on you, not me.
Copyright 1994 Canada NewsWire Ltd.
Canada NewsWire
June 14, 1994, Tuesday
Reg Technologies Inc. (Vancouver: RRE) (OTC: REGRF) is pleased to announce
that the company is preparing for major presentations on the Rand Cam(TM) Engine
with two automobile companies, the Department of Defense and one of the largest
heavy equipment manufacturers in the United States. All of the presentations
will take place at the end of June by West Virginia University and Reg
Technologies' rotary engine specialist Pat Badgley.Reg Technologies has also retained a top law firm in Washington, D.C., which
specializes in negotiating licensing agreements. An immediate licensing
agreement which is being negotiated is with Hercules Aerospace Co. in regards to
Department of Defense contracts for North America.RAND CAM ENGINE PROGRESS REPORT:
The Centre for Industrial Research Applications at West Virginia University
(CIRA) is continuing work on the spark ignited designs centering around the
Alpha and Beta prototypes as well as the compression ignition designs which
include several Diesel concepts for both the military and commercial sectors.
The Rand Cam compression design is also being developed.