Actually, Rand Cam Engine only applied in US Navy peaceful ship (not warship) and help Us Navy ships to carry not missiles at all, only carry blood donations !!!! Sick of you !!! The conscience is paralyzed. Yeh ?
The Watchtower has a deal with the Navy.
by avengers 159 Replies latest watchtower scandals
About 200 of the conferees converged Monday morning, November 1, on the AlliantTechSystems plant in nearby Hopkins. In small groups, a total of 65 people, including two juveniles, were arrested as they moved to blockade the entrance of the international armsmerchant.AlliantTech's past manufacture of depleted uranium shells drew particular criticism from demonstrators, who also condemned the Trident missile parts, anti-tank landmines and small arms produced by the corporation.
Copyright 1995 Canada NewsWire Ltd.
Canada NewsWireMay 25, 1995, Thursday
Reg Technologies Inc. (Vancouver: RRE) (OTC: REGRF) and its U.S. subsidiary
REGI US (OTC: RGUS) are pleased to announce that a progress report has been
received from Alliant Techsystems (NYSE: ATK) (formerly Hercules Aerospace
Inc.). The aerospace giant is making significant progress in the
development of the Rand Cam(TM) Diesel Cycle Engine. The rotor, shaft, and
pin track drawings are complete and are at Mac Machine in Baltimore for a
producibility review. The remaining major component drawings will be
completed by June. Component fabrication will commence in August 1995.To achieve the objective of building a prototype diesel engine that will
generate significant power, emissions, and endurance data, Reg TechnologiesInc./West Virginia University research team and Alliant Techsystems Inc.
have designed the engine using high strength, long life materials.Numerous parties have expressed interest in the diesel Rand Cam(TM) Engine.
These include a major manufacturer of unmanned air vehicles, generator
sets, and hybrid electric vehicles.Alliant Techsystems Inc., with operations in 24 states, is a majoraerospace and defense corporation. The company is a leader in solid rocket
propulsion, munitions, anti-submarine warfare, and sensor technology with
sales of $ 1.3 billion. For further information: John Robertson,
president, 800-665-4616, or Gord Friesen, Investor Relations, 800-668-5499,
both of Reg Technologies"BAD ASSOCIATIONS SPOIL USEFUL HABITS"---------WTS
Edited by - deddaisy on 19 July 2002 3:5:57
Actually the whole issue is very simple.
Right after the assembly last Sunday my son (13) asked me: "Dad do you have any records of the WT being involved with military?" I started digging and found it. I edited here and there for clarity and sent it to him.
The same time I thought if this is being discussed at the assembly then let me publish this e-mail on this forum.
It doesn't matter if the WT makes money with these shares.
It doesn't even matter if they have the shares.
What matters is that as long as I have been JW the WT has been saying not to have any dealings whatsoever with the world.
This includes making deals with military..
My opinion is that the WT did not anticipate the power of the information age.
If we keep digging in these archives, many more schandals will turn up.
Anyone wanna buy shovels?
refiners fire
Andy, to be honest I havent read the thread, cause what the Watchtower does doesnt interest me (unless they all want to commit mass suicide, now that would interest me) But tell me...are these guys in the thread with you buddy? Or are they critizizin you again like the other week. If youre under attack and need a hand let me know.
Edited by - refiners fire on 19 July 2002 5:30:5
I've read this several times before it isn''t new.
It is obvious that the WTS is benifiting from the military.
What has not yet been cleared up is exactly how many shares of exactly what the have stock in.
If you were to add up all the shares you would find the discrepencies.
So who has left out exactly what and why?
That still hasn't realy been answered.
It is obvious that the WTS is benifiting from the military
That is actually the only thing that matters in this whole thread. Exact figures aren't too important. The Watchtower tells us one thing, but in secret they do what they say they dispise.
I just like hammering nails in their coffin. Very lucrative is at this moment is selling shovels, hammers and nails.
Go Watchtower go. Maybe you need some shovels yourself, since you like digging your own grave.
If I had a hammer, I'd hammer in the morning, hammer in the evening..........................the Carpenters?
Plmkrzy:________There is no question that it is very difficult to follow the ownership trail of all these corporations. Frankly, even though I understand such, the other day when I posted, I made an error when listing the corps.________
Here is the story (corrected)._________
Rand Cam Engine Corp (RCEC) is James McCann's original corp. McCann (a JW) donated 50% of RCEC's stock to the Watchtower Society, but McCann retained the right to VOTE the stock, which means the WTS not only has NO SAY-SO whatsoever in RCEC, but cannot do anything with the stock until McCann dies (except maybe return it to McCann).___________
When McCann's attempts to market his invention failed, an investor named John Robertson came along and made a deal with McCann to raise capital, promote, and market McCann's "rand-cam" technology.
Robertson and McCann formed a new Corp named Rand Energy Group Inc (REGI), to which McCann and RCEC transferred THE EXCLUSIVE WORLDWIDE RIGHTS to McCann's invention.At first, McCann's RCEC owned 60% of REGI, and Robertson's Reg Technologies corp owned 40%. However, Robertson (via REG TECH) then bought 11% more stock from McCann, which gave Robertson (REG TECH) control of REGI, which itself controls the use of McCann's invention.________
AT THIS POINT, McCann lost all say-so in how his invention would be used. (The WTS NEVER had any say-so period.)________
Then, Robertson formed a U.S. subsidiary corp of REGI named REGI-US to market the invention exclusively within the United States. It is this Corp that seeks to market the invention to the US military.__________
NEITHER McCann nor the WTS has any say-so over what REGI-US does, nor what REGI does. JOHN ROBERTSON RUNS THE SHOWS.________
REGI-US's Annual Report "SEEMS" to indicate that the WTS owns 51.44% of REGI-US, and "SEEMS" to indicate that James McCann owns 51.44% of REGI-US, WHILE ALSO "SEEMING" to indicate that John Robertson owns 58.XX% of REGI-US.__________
OBVIOUSLY, such PERCENTAGES do not add-up, since there cannot be more than 100% of stock._________
The SEC requires Annual Reports of "closely held" corps to list all persons or legal entities of related corps, and their various stock holdings, so that investors and potential investors can see who all the inside owners are and what they are up to.__________
In REALITY, it is REGI who owns 51.44% of REGI-US. However, SEC rules require that REGI's owners be listed. Since Robertson's REG TECH and McCann's RCEC own REGI, REGI's 51.44% of REGI-US's stock is all "attributed" to "each" Robertson, McCann, and the WTS._________
THE LIARS ABOVE have used this SEC Rule, and the numerous corporate entities to attempt to DECEIVE PEOPLE to think that the WTS somehw has something to do with REGI-US's business decisions, WHICH IT DOES NOT.