Left Behind

by gravedancer 65 Replies latest jw friends

  • borgfree


    I do indeed believe that homosexuals are breaking God's laws. I think that at one time you believed that also.

    Homosexuals already have the same rights as everyone else. I think there are a couple of exceptions, marriage being one, but that could be a very long debate, one which has probably already been done here before.

    As to whether homosexuals have a right to live or not, that is not in my hands to decide, that is for God to decide. I am thankful I do not have that responsibility.

    I do not quite get how you jump from those stated facts, to,

    Therefore, groups like yourself would deny that homosexuals have the right to live as homosexuals? So, you don't really believe in rights for everyone?

    I personally agree that no one has the "right" to break God's laws, but, God has not chosen to make me His "enforcer", something I am very thankful for.

    I do not chose to fight against homosexuals, I do not hate them or wish harm on them. I have an obligation, as a Christian, to point out the errors of the homosexual life, that it is against the law of God, the consequences of breaking God's laws I gladly leave in His hands.


  • nativenyr23

    I read the first two books in the series....out of curiosity. Was intreagued by the story since it was so different that what we were taught. Tried to look up stuff in the bible whenever a reference was made....to check it out for myself. First book ends in a climax, making you HAVE to pick up the second one.

    The writing style is very elementary.....so much so that by the time i finished the second book, found little desire to pick up the third. Too much redundancy....blah blah blah.......story started to get tired.

    In any case, I gave it a shot when they first came out because everyone at work was making such a big freakin' deal about them. But like I said, 1st and 2nd book were pretty good (extremely fast read...easy text, large print, short margins, etc.) .....then they get boring.

  • Xander

    Okay, I'm going to try and hijack this thread, because I seem to have found another 'true believer'.

    Tell me borgfree (since no other 'true believer' on this board seems to be able to):

    If 'god' exists, as you say, and is a 'loving god' - why did he create viruses and parasites? Again, not in the food chain, serve no good, only kill things. Why would a loving god create them?

    Second (related) question: viruses cannot reproduce without killing living cells. Assuming 'god' DID create them for some holy reason, how did they survive the time period when everyone on earth was perfect? I mean, if our cells were somehow not vulnerable to smallpox, how could it reproduce? (rhetorical: it couldn't)

    Third question: how do you explain that evolution can be observed to be happening? Viruses and many insects have been OBSERVED evolving from generation to generation. How can this be if evolution isn't a valid explanation for creation?

  • Xander
    The writing style is very elementary

    Because of this, they made a 'graphic novel' series out of them (comic books) that I understand is actually quite high quality. Very basic dialog + simplistic writing + LOTS of action = great comic book material.

    As I understand it, if you take the story as a work of fiction (as it obviously is), and read the comic series with a certain....ehhh...detachment?...they are fairly above average comics.

  • Satanus


    I didn't mean that you were advocating their death. I said

    you believe that homosexuals are breaking gods laws, and that they don't have a right to do so? Therefore, groups like yourself would deny that homosexuals have the right to live as homosexuals? So, you don't really believe in rights for everyone?
    I personally agree that no one has the "right" to break God's laws
    If you would have said that people do have the right to break god's laws as you percieve them, then you would be saying that homos have the right to be and live as such. However, i'm sure that saying that is unthinkable to you.


  • borgfree

    Hi FriendlyFellaAL,

    Sorry for not answering right away, this is the time of day when I start getting ready for work, etc.

    I will check the site you mentioned. There are not several kinds of Christianity, only different kinds of people who chose to interpret the bible their own way. I would not claim to have "the inside track" to understanding God's word, I try to believe exactly what is written, where possible, and not make "hard line" decisions where the bible is not clear.

    I do not know any Christian who thinks Christians should take personal action against any non-Christian, other than stating God's word. There are some, using the banner of Christianity, who blow up buildings, etc. I do not find support in the words of Jesus Christ for those actions.


    I think the movie you refer to is called "Rapture" I saw the movie.

    Nowhere is it taught in scripture to kill your child so that the child will make it into heaven. I thought the movie was unscriptural and had to be made by someone who is not, or was not, a Christian.


  • borgfree


    First, thank you

    Okay, I'm going to try and hijack this thread, because I seem to have found another 'true believer'.

    I do take that as a compliment.

    I got involved in a debate on evolution some months ago on this board. It is a never ending debate and one that cannot be proved one way or the other by science, I believe.

    I am a little late in getting ready now, so I will have to end at this point. When I get to work, and as time permits, I will try to give you some answer.

    My apologies GraveDancer, it was not my intention to highjack your thread.


  • LizardSnot

    I've read all the left behind books with the exception of 'Descecration' and 'The Remnant'.

    I chalk it up to Christian fiction...but find it interesting nonetheless.

    The storyline is certainly more believable than what the JW's have to offer.

    As I read the books...I made sure to follow the storyline with the scriptures. I have to say I was impressed.


  • Crazy151drinker

    Good books.

  • joannadandy

    Actually not to long ago Time Magazine devoted a whole cover story to these books, which are selling millions of copies each time, and they were quick to point out that it's not just fundamentalist christians reading these books, but that lots of people are concerned, thinking about, questioning the Apocalypse, especially after September 11th.



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