Left Behind

by gravedancer 65 Replies latest jw friends

  • Xander

    BTW, I noticed a lot of your comments seem to be very similar to much other christian debates against evolution in using a 'straw man' - specifically, your own incomplete understanding of how it and biology works.

    Please read up at:


    And, specifcally, this section:

    http://www.talkorigins.org/origins/faqs-qa.html (the faq)


    http://www.talkorigins.org/origins/faqs-mustread.html (must read files)


    Read up some on evolution theory, make sure you understand what it is. Only then can you fairly make up your mind what to believe, and know how to intelligently debate it.

  • Jesus Christ
    Jesus Christ

    Dad and I hate these books. Don't scare people into serving your petty little version of us. We're all about love and enjoying life and all the wondeful gifts that we've given you. Also, don't worry about how dad and I helped life on your little planet evolve. Dad was drunk while writing the bible so of course he's going to talk all about how he pulled the universe out of his ass one day. Go, enjoy life and love.

  • L_A_Big_Dawg

    Oh, goody...the "Sta-Puft" Marshmallow god. Whatever.

  • waiting

    I read the series - not deep reading, but interesting in a "Left JW's" kinda way. We've read sooooooooo many years about the pestilence etc., (even though we dismissed the Rapture for some reason) - it was interesting to read a "what if if really happened?"

    JW's don't put any stock into a reality approach to the Bible. Like..........if the Great Tribulation occurred, and we didn't have clean water, electricity, cars, gas, etc., and were hunted down because we had a literal "mark" on our foreheads............what would it be like?

    JW's just think "Jehovah will provide" and go out in service.


  • BeautifulGarbage

    I must live under a rock. Actually, lots of them, rocks that is, where I live.

    Never heard of the authors, or the books.


  • L_A_Big_Dawg


    You posted:

    JW's don't put any stock into a reality approach to the Bible.

    And Dispensationalists like LaHaye do?

  • borgfree


    No scientist has ever said that.

    I beg your pardon, I was even taught in school, by the science teacher, that sceintists stated that it is impossible for bumble bees to fly, but they fly anyway. I am not going to look it up.

    That's an interesting leap of logic from somone who doesn't believe in evolution. (In short, no, there is no way viruses could be created by the 'breakdown of the human body', or breakdown of ANY body - they are completely unlike any other living organism).

    I don't believe I indicated it was done by evolution. I believe the Creator, being omnisciencient (sp) could, and did, forsee all things and created everything necessary to handel every possibility.

    BTW, I noticed a lot of your comments seem to be very similar to much other christian debates against evolution in using a 'straw man' - specifically, your own incomplete understanding of how it and biology works.

    I am giving my thoughts and ideas as to how things "might" have happened. If my answers are like other Christians, I do not find that unusual.

    Read up some on evolution theory, make sure you understand what it is. Only then can you fairly make up your mind what to believe, and know how to intelligently debate it.

    My first post to you:

    I got involved in a debate on evolution some months ago on this board. It is a never ending debate and one that cannot be proved one way or the other by science, I believe.

    My second post to you:

    I will try to respond to your questions. I will admit from the start that my responses will not be to your satisfaction, how can anyone know what the Almighty God is thinking? or why He did or did not do certain things?


    I am not that knowledgeable about viruses and parasites.


    I will have to leave that question for someone more qualified that me. I do not know the answer.


    Sorry, that is the best I can do. There are some here much more qualified that I am to discuss those questions.

    I don't think I gave any indication that I thought I was qualified to adaquately debate the subject of evolution.

    I did not even intend to post very much about it but, SYN said:

    Borgfree says he doesn't want to answer some simple questions!

    so, I thought I would answer what I personally think.

    At that, I will end my discussion on evolution.


  • JanH


    I beg your pardon, I was even taught in school, by the science teacher, that sceintists stated that it is impossible for bumble bees to fly, but they fly anyway. I am not going to look it up.

    It is a common urban legend, but it is untrue.See e.g. this press release:

    Bumble bees can't fly

    Of course, bumble bees can fly. But if you are like most people, you have heard (and maybe believed) the legend about an engineer that proved it was aerodynamically impossible for a bumble bee to fly. Bah, humbug!

    There are several versions regarding the origin of this myth. The generally accepted version has it that the calculations were speculations overheard by a member of the media during a reception. Once the story was printed, it slipped into our collective memory banks. Unfortunately, less attention has been given to the retraction that was issued almost immediately. The retraction didn't make it into the papers, the damage was done and an urban legend was born.

    at http://www.extension.iastate.edu/newsrel/1999/may99/may9904.html

    You should find it in other "urban legend" lists as well.

    I don't think I gave any indication that I thought I was qualified to adaquately debate the subject of evolution.

    And you have surely demonstrated the fact, I have to say.

    - Jan

  • FriendlyFellaAL


    I'm sure that my answer to your message is going to be seen as a cop out or somehow acquiescing to your point of view, but it's not.

    Frankly, after reading a document on their website called "Myths About Homosexuality" I have become so disgusted and downhearted that I have lost all interest in continuing this discussion. It saddens me to think that so much of the hatred, outright lies and exaggeration of the truth that are being propagated by the religious right are being eagerly accepted by the masses as fact.

    Also, having just finished a very lengthy debate over homosexuality with ISP, I really don't want to become the board's bleeding heart homosexual. To that end, I'm just not going to get myself further involved in this discussion. I had originally written a response to the comments on their website, but have decided that for the most part it is futile. I'm not going to change your mind about homosexuality and you're not going to be able to change my mind.


  • borgfree


    You commented:

    I'm sure that my answer to your message is going to be seen as a cop out or somehow acquiescing to your point of view, but it's not.

    Not at all. I thought it was a friendly discussion, not a, to the death duel. As you know, I am a Christian, and, I believe the bible. You have a different view, that is your right, and I do not think any less of you for having a different view.


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