Left Behind

by gravedancer 65 Replies latest jw friends

  • LizardSnot

    Xander, if you dont believe that God exists...I'll not argue that point with you...because I really cant prove it.

    The following is just my opinion...not trying to shove it down anyone's throat:

    The bible basically says that the only way we can know he exists is by faith.

    Heb. 11:1 defines faith as being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.

    So....<g>...it really is pointless to argue whether or not God exists since the Christian religion bases there belief on faith.

    I will say that Jesus did exist on earth according to historical references other than the bible...so in my mind...if this man did exist and did perform miracles, tricks or what have you. Wouldnt you think that he had to get that power from a bigger source?

    Would that source have come from evolution?

    If one does choose to believe in God and the scriptures that belong to him, he will notice that the scriptures talk about the fall of man...the imperfection that was brought into the world by the original sinners... all throughout bible history God pops in and out... helping the Jews...letting them sin of their own free will...bailing them out...letting them sin...etc...sends his son to show us an example of what unconditional love is...we decide to have him crucified...then at the last moment when we are starting to question crucifying him...he makes it so that we have to *claiming to be the son of God was not smiled upon...then he is crucified for our sins....yet the sinning continues in spite of all the written examples of past sins...we still do it anyway...

    I think it is short sighted of us to say that God created viruses and that he isnt a loving God. I believe we are suffering for the sins of our ancestors. "Every good and perfect gift comes from God"....I blame Satan for the imperfection and the viruses.

    If God made everything easy for us and took away all the sickness...would we love him unconditionally...or would we love him just because he takes good care of us?

    Personally, as a father...I would much rather that my daughters loved me just because they chose too...rather than for the things I give them...what happens if those things run out? Will they still love me?

    Xander, I've always wondered why do bad things happen to good people....well, those bad things are only happening to us in one tiny moment in our existance...compared to an eternity with God in heaven...what we are going through on earth would seem insignificant wouldnt you think?

    But of course, all of what I said means nothing to the person who chooses not to believe in God.

    Furthermore, I think, for the person that doesnt believe that God exists...he really doesnt.


  • SYN

    Borgfree says he doesn't want to answer some simple questions! And once again people who advocate the removal of our sexual freedoms reign supreme! No offense, Borgfree, but you must admit that that is exactly what you stand for, as you profess to believe in a superstitious book which bans anything not done in the missionary position by a man and a woman! (OK, I know I'm exaggerating! )

  • SYN

    Lizard: If you'd been born in China, you'd probably be a Buddhist now! And you'd be a "faithful" Buddhist too! (Not meaning to cause offense, just pointing this out)

  • Xander
    did exist on earth according to historical references other than the bible

    Really? You've found some? Because, aside from some doctored documents attributed to Josephus (which don't even mention any miracles, or raising people from the dead, or walking on water, or...) I haven't been able to find any reference to him outside the bible.

    I blame Satan for the imperfection and the viruses.

    So...Satan created viruses? Bugs, too? Cause they also can be observed to evolve over generations. And several types of them (intestinal worms, fleas, etc) serve no purpose other than to bring disease and death. What else did Satan create, then? Just wondering...

    If God made everything easy for us and took away all the sickness

    The point of my original question was - how did 'sickness' get here in the first place? If God didn't create it? Now, you seem to imply Satan can create things. Which, of course, begs the succeeding question of: what ELSE has he created?

    for the person that doesnt believe that God exists...he really doesnt.

    Now, don't think I'm atheist - I'm not - I certainly believe there are divine forces in the universe, and I think they likely had a hand in a lot of events, especially regarding out presence.

    I just find the evidence of a single, all-powerful, all-knowing, 'loving', christian god, a little lacking.

  • L_A_Big_Dawg

    Left Behind...should be when you vist any bookseller. The whole series is garbae designed to turn a theory that is relatively new to Christian thought into a fact. Too bad many, including non Christians, are sucked into this garbage.

    Prophecy is to speculative to be dogmatic (no pun intended) about. Let whatever happens happen. No use getting riled over a highly symbolic book.

  • LeslieV

    Saw the movie thought it was dumb. It always gives me the creeps when I see Kirk Cameron today with his wife and they are on number 5 kid. Do ya think they are into the traditional family???? Must mean they don't believe in birth control. Also I have never seen her without a dress on yikes!!!! They kinda look like JW's or Mormons and that always makes me shudder.


  • borgfree


    Borgfree says he doesn't want to answer some simple questions!

    I have reread all of my posts on this thread and do not see where I said what you claim I said.


  • borgfree


    I will try to respond to your questions. I will admit from the start that my responses will not be to your satisfaction, how can anyone know what the Almighty God is thinking? or why He did or did not do certain things?

    If 'god' exists, as you say, and is a 'loving god' - why did he create viruses and parasites? Again, not in the food chain, serve no good, only kill things. Why would a loving god create them?

    I am not that knowledgeable about viruses and parasites. I think there may be similar reasons as the reason God created vultures, sharks, maggots, etc. Creatures like those clean up the earth, waters, etc. of waste, so that diseases are not caused by carcuses lying around decaying.

    Second (related) question: viruses cannot reproduce without killing living cells. Assuming 'god' DID create them for some holy reason, how did they survive the time period when everyone on earth was perfect? I mean, if our cells were somehow not vulnerable to smallpox, how could it reproduce? (rhetorical: it couldn't)

    I will have to leave that question for someone more qualified that me. I do not know the answer.

    Third question: how do you explain that evolution can be observed to be happening? Viruses and many insects have been OBSERVED evolving from generation to generation. How can this be if evolution isn't a valid explanation for creation?

    I am not convinced that evolution can be observed to be happening. Maybe adaptation? Where would I find evidence that any living thing is evolving? Factual evidence? Not just adapting.

    Sorry, that is the best I can do. There are some here much more qualified that I am to discuss those questions.


  • Satanus


    I hope i explained how i reached my conclusion clear enough.

    Step 1 you said homosexuals don't have right to break gods law

    Step 2 gods law says no to practicing homosex

    Step 3 therefore you deny homos rights to practice

    This is to further answer your question:

    I do not quite get how you jump from those stated facts, to,
    Therefore, groups like yourself would deny that homosexuals have the right to live as homosexuals? So, you don't really believe in rights for everyone?


  • Fredhall


    You would say anything in order to get on your knees.

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