Armagedon will be here in 1975....One more "WBTS LIE"...OUTLAW
by minimus 56 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Big Tex
Gosh, where do I start? How about:
1. That all the childless couples in the New System would be responsible for raising all the children who were resurrected.
2. 1975 was the end.
3. We would all be naked in the New System only after reaching perfection. Different people would reach perfection before others (I guess it's a race) and God would set up Resurrection Centers (presumably they would be like the teleport chambers like in the movie The Fly) and that one could tell how close someone was to perfection by how undressed they were. Really.
The first time I saw my wife pray in front of me for a meal (before I was baptized) she unfolded her napkin and put it on her head. I laughed so hard, and asked her what she was doing. I still thought she was joking until I looked it up for myself.
That happened to me too... I thought my mom had lost her mind!!!!
By a longtime elder:
"An open mind is like an open sewer; you never know what kind of garbage you're going to get in there."
termite 35
On telling two elders that the elder in my cong.had't yet appologised to me for stealing huge amounts of stuff from my husbands' workshop and being sexually abusive in the workplace and asking what they'd said to him; my reply was..........'we can't make him and that's private'
Being told I was'nt really raped, as I did'nt scream.
Being told I could'nt speak at meetings as I was'nt married.
Being told that girls did'nt need education if they were going to marry.
Being told that if I wanted to see my(dead) mother again i'd better get back to meetings.(on the day she died)
Being told the WTBS would make my marriage BETTER.
Being told I WOULD make it to baptism.
I usually volunteered at each assembly/convention, often in attendance or expediting.
At one, following the final Sunday session, we were selling leftover food to avoid having to ship it on to the next assembly site. We were selling it in bulk for huge discounts. I and several others were left w/ the responsibility to charge whatever we wanted but to get the most money we could.
Time was at a premium since we had to be out of the facility before a certain time and time was ticking. The way it looked to me, we werent going to make it since there was so much food and not enough time to get rid of it all, so I took it upon myself to start GIVING the stuff away, you know, "buy one loaf of bread for a dime, get a second one FREE." Non witnesses from off the street were coming in to the feeding frenzy!! It was wild, man! I was having blast.
Finally, the brother in charge came over. I explained the situation to him and he told me,
You see that (trash) dumpster over there? We will throw this food in that dumpster before we will give it away, so stop doing what you're doing.
I couldn't believe what he said, since he was serious as a heart attack. I got truly disgusted and left. I don't know what they did with the food after that.
I was raised in the troof and still have most of my family in so I heard and still here lots of good one's lets see...
In the new system we won't have cars because they didn't have cars in the garden of eden
Wearing bathing suits is wrong, going to the beach and seeing women IN bathing suits is wrong
Oral sex is wrong (this from an 80 year old virgin)
Seeing your wife or husband naked is wrong (this from the same virgin comment during a meeting noone corrected her)
One idiot elder in north jacksonville claimed to have been personaly visited by satan while studying and being offered the ability to play drums on a professional level if he would stop studying (wouldn't that make you study more? what is satan a retard? oh no wait YOU are)
After being abused by a 23 year old the elders aproched me (at age 11 or 12) and said that this guy had come to them and said that I had forced myself on him and they wanted to know why I would do such a thing...
Had an elder get up and for a "local needs" part read an article out of better homes and gardens IN IT'S ENTIREITY with no scriptures or any other comments just read the worldly mag from the platform for 20-25 min
Once had a elder tell a guy dieing of AIDS (this was 87 or 88) that this was god punishing him (no shit he said that right to his face)
The very first time I ever tried to do a door in service the householder stated screaming that I (8 maybe 9) was a murder because I wouldn't let my kids (I was 8 remember) take blood! chased me down the street! He turned out later to be a HUGE pedophile.
Saw a sister slap a kid in the face (hard) in the hall because she said he was lieing to her (he wasn't she just didn't like the answer) nothing said to her she was a pioneer so it was ok
Watching or reading books would make you demonized- this changed every other month harry potter, lord of rings, smurfs, def leopard, you name it
The new blood stuff has been pretty funny to listen too, you can take any part of the blood so long as they've been seperated...
AHHHHHHHH so many memories
Love, Me
That we wouldn't have freckles in the new system.
That unless I was a pioneer I couldn't find a good husband because spiritual men only want to marry pioneers.
You could become demonized from buying things at garage sales.
Two sisters ditched a meeting to go see the exorcist. That night demons came into their rooms (seperately) and humped them.
Dinosaurs never really existed, because Jehovah never allows his animals to become extinct. When I asked the elder to explain the numerous dinosaur bones found all over the earth, he told me that Satan made them and put them there in order to stumble us. Therefore, if you're digging in the ground and find a dino fossill, drop it quick and go pray, 'cuz its DEMONIZED!!!!!
What a frickin' idiot.
Why wouldn't we have freckles in the new system?