The Meaning of Names....?

by SpiceItUp 57 Replies latest jw friends

  • TruckerGB

    Mines fairly obvious,I drive trucks for my living and Im in The UK or Great Britain as the international vehicle initials still call us.

  • Carmel

    Actually, I love butterscotch but couldn't bring myself to use that handle. In reality, I lived for four years on the side of MT. Carmel in Israel and that's where I was when I joined the JWD.

    carmel aka Mntzion

  • peaceloveharmony

    mine's a variation of "peace love and happiness" wanted to use my real name so i tossed the happiness part and threw in the harmony :)

  • LyinEyes

    Well, I guess you can tell I am a big Eagles fan. The song LyinEyes was almost my theme song growing up as a JW, only it wasnt about being married and cheating, the rich old man in the song was my dad. He controlled everything I did and I wanted to run, I felt very sad like LyinEyes in the song. Like a prisioner of her own doing, no hope of things getting better, and not having the courage to change it. Well I was young, it was hard to stand up agaisnt big daddy, but I indentified with the song and just love the melody.

    When I first came on this board , I had just walked away from the borg, this LyinEyes found the courage , even thou painful and scarey, to walk the hell away. But at first when I decided to come out on the board, I didnt want my identity know, I was still hiding and I still felt I was not being true to myself, hence LyinEyes. Well, I am not afraid anymore, I have posted my pic all over the place and I dont care who knows who I am. Even thou I don't quiet feel the same way about myself when I choose that name, the name will always hold a special place in my heart because it was my first step to freedom. BTW, my real name is Dede :) Hugsssss

  • Incense_and_Peppermints

    don Juan gave it to me. he came to me in a dream...the way I got to know him was a very fortuitous type of affair. i was not interested in finding out what he knew, because i didn't know what he knew. i was interested in collecting plants. and i met him in arizona. there was an old man who lived somewhere around the hills, that knew a great deal about plants. and that was my interest, to collect information on plants. and we went one day, this friend and myself, we went to look for him. and we were misguided by the yuma indians and went up in the hills and never found the old man. it was later on when i was at the end of this first trip that i made to arizona, at the end of the summer and i was ready to go back to los angeles, that i was waiting in the bus stop and the old man walked in. and that's how i met him...

  • Elders_Kid

    Hmmmmm, this one should be fairly simple.... my dad is an elder. That, and I didn't think that Simon would approve of Son_Of_An_Ignorant_Old_Bastard.


  • Matty

    I've never had a nickname that I would ever want to be repeated, so I'm one of those really really boring people who use their real name. I prefer to be called Matt rather than Matty, but "Matt" was already taken by a fly-by-night poster some time ago.

  • FreeRangeChicken

    because i'm free. why else?

  • Crazy151drinker

    Back when I used to party a lot, my drink of choice was Bacardi 151 and coke. On halloween a couple years back, I was at Chico and I drank 1 1/2 bottles of the stuff. Thankfully it was over a couple hours and I walked around all night (didnt get to bed till 5am). I think it was around 1am that I couldnt really see anymore. Everything was fuzzy and I couldnt recognize peoples faces or read signs. It was kinda spooky, especially since I lost the group of people I was with. Luckily some friends of mine found me in the middle of a street and I went and crashed with them. So needless to say, I used to be a Crazy151drinker.........

  • plmkrzy

    I think there is an entire thread dedicated to this somewhere. Quite a lot of folks posted. Maybe around April of this year I think. Dont know what you would use for Key Words. Try "user names"

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