Kenpo = The Martial Arts style I have a black belt in
Dragon = I just love dragons (They are a huge part of martial arts too)
Take Care
by SpiceItUp 57 Replies latest jw friends
Kenpo = The Martial Arts style I have a black belt in
Dragon = I just love dragons (They are a huge part of martial arts too)
Take Care
I am a small hermit crab, originally from the Florida Keys near Bahia Honda, a hermit crab that had once donned a beautiful conch shell on my back, that which served as my home. Several winters ago, as I was scavenging for food on the shore, a young man tore me out of my shell on and decided to take me to his native Toronto. He "needed a pet", he said. Hours later, I found myself lunching with the boys family, explaining the mysteries of marine life. They seemed like good people; all was well.
A few days passed until I saw the light of day again (having been travelling in a suitcase) upon when, this young man presented me with a newer, but much less desirable home as my conch had been -- an impossibly large, rancid pumpkin seed.
I grudgingly bore the seed as I bear it now. Thomas has been good to me. In Toronto, Thomas explained, hermit crabs didn't have to pay for rent, internet access, cable, or even plankton. I was floored, I mean really!? How often does a crab like me get a break like this? I was in Utopia!
Thomas selflessly took the time to show me how to type 'hunt and peck' style, as one would expect a crab to do. He also brought me to church meetings, where I was baptized as a full fledged member of Jehovahs Witnesses. While I did not molest children, or batter my wife, I was guilty of swimming in the toilet and sewer system during songs, or impossibly long and boring discourses. This wild and reckless abandon eventually led to a downward spiral affect on my spirituality. Service hours dropped. I was constantly finding reasons to cancel talks, to miss meetings, anything. Why? Something wasn't right -- I felt something was rotten in this place of hope, something evil and rotten. This once meek, and spiritually strong, large smelly pumpkin seed bearing hermit crab, had become a spiritually lawless, bad seed. A real hater of Jehovah. The rest of the story, as this board can contest -- is history.
LOL @ bad seed
Its much easier to just copy and paste from Amazon..*L*
The first of Dick's three final novels (the others are Divine Invasion and The Transmigration of Timothy Archer ). Known as science fiction only for lack of a better category, "Valis" takes place in our world and may even be semi-autobiographical. It is a fool's search for God, who turns out to be a virus, a joke, and a mental hologram transmitted from an orbiting satellite.
The proponent of the novel, Horselover Fat, is thrust into a theological quest when he receives communion in a burst of pink laser light. From the cancer ward of a bay area hospital to the ranch of a fraudulent charismatic religious figure who turns out to have a direct com link with God, Dick leads us down the twisted paths of Gnostic belief, mixed with his own bizarre and compelling philosophy. Truly an eye opening look at the nature of consciousness and divinity.
District Overbeer
I think there is an entire thread dedicated to this somewhere. Quite a lot of folks posted. Maybe around April of this year I think. Dont know what you would use for Key Words. Try "user names"
I tried that and not only is it not very long but you didnt post on it whats up with your name . Inquiring minds want to know.
?? I know there is a long thread at least 3 pages that even i posted on ummm. I'll look. I could be one that was lost when Simon changed some stuff on the forum.
When I was small my father used to call me by the nickname "Dutchiepie". I just left out the "pie".
So when I came to the DB I just decided to use it as my ID
Salud means health in spanish. In Spanish-Latin culture when friends get together and drink and are having a good time they often toast by saying 'salud', to your health! It is like saying cheers in english.
I think part of life is getting together with friends and sharing this wonderful thing called life over a good glass of merlot or a cold bottle of Corona with lime and salt of course!!
I got myself thirsty writing about it, I might just take myself up on my own advise.
I'm glad you cleared that up, I thought it meant "bastard" in French, but now I've looked it up its a different spelling !
Edited by - matty on 18 July 2002 15:27:43