Watchtower Moves In For Kill On silentlambs

by silentlambs 141 Replies latest jw friends

  • Focus

    Dungbeetle - check out W.F.Salter. YOU LEFT HIM OUT!

    Now, he REALLY put "Da Judge" Rutherford's nose out of joint. It never got back into joint, actually.

    Salter was a SUPER "apostate" (i.e. truth-telling exposer of Watchtower Wickedness). He achieved REAL cult-busting results.

    A whole "Class" was named after him ("Achan Class"), and Rutherford lacked Russell's skill and penchant for Class-making. Do you need the references?

    Compared to Salter, Ray Franz* is just a small-time, street-corner barker.

    A more recent case? Compared to Salter, Kent Steinhaug lacks drive and determination.

    And compared to Salter, I am a mild-mannered WT apologist.

    I wonder if Salter's descendants can be tracked down and the gaps filled in. They would probably be pleased to know that (great-)grandpa was a HERO.

    I think our Brave Silentlambs is of the Salter Class.

    (Salter Fan Class)

    * Ray DID NOT come to his departure with wholly clean hands, in my book. He had continued to indirectly participate in Watchtower deception - increasingly reluctantly, for sure - even after the warning bells had started to go off in his head. And he then tried to cling on. Cognitive dissonance. Yes, I know how hard it is - so no offense meant. And Ray has done MUCH to atone for his part in the Disgusting Thing. I grant him that, without qualification. But, it is my opinion that NOTHING can fully "absolve" him. I hope he thinks so too, for he is a good man.

  • minimus

    seems to me the reason the wbts says you can't do this or do that is because they LEGALLY can in the judicial "religious" meeting.

  • Kismet

    I beg to differ Focus.

    I do agree that Salter was very outspoken but hero?!?! I don't think so.

    Salter left with his secretary (not his wife) in tow as well as a couple of deeds to some real estate donated to the Society.

    Those actions do not a hero make in my opinion.


    Edited by - Kismet on 18 July 2002 22:11:8

  • JT

    the comment was made:


    and due respect must be accorded to the elder who is chairing the meeting.

    This is a throughly cunning inclusion in this letter. If Mr. Bowen arrives with a similar entourage that he did last time, the meeting will not take place but he will be disfellowshipped for 'Loose Conduct', that is, for showing a balatant disrespect for the elders. They will then not need to prove or justify any accusation but will DF him for his conduct at the Judicial Committe. The term sheep led to the slaughter springs to mind.

    What a disgusting display of cowardice, duplicity and naked bullying



    it is a setup if i have ever seen one, that one little line about showing respect will be determined by the elders- they will decide if they feel that he showed respect to the chairman-

    when i read that one line my brain went into high gear- they are setting my man up for any off the wall stuff in thier minds, video, mics, Supporters, etc.

    as i look back it is hard to believe i used to be apart of such a group

  • jwsons


    Consult the solicitor then send the letter(their summon letter) to HumanRight and make another scandal, something like "Watchtower violates human right by using their judicial comittee without witnesses" while they asked all pedophile-victims for two witnesses.

    All the best for you Bill. We're on your side, mate.

  • dungbeetle

    When you consider what happeend to Ray Franz after he left, I do not blame him for not being in a hurry to leave. I don't blame ANYONE for that. I dragged my feet long enough myself.

    More about these people please: Olin Moyle and W.F. Salter...where can we find more?

    And also: Edwin Bundy, WT Pilgrim; Menta Sturgeon, Russell's personal Secretary; F.H. Robison,

  • Focus

    Kismet wrote:

    Salter left with his secretary (not his wife) in tow

    Relevance? Or is sexual faithfulness a prerequisite for heroism?

    While I do not have ready access to my paper files from where I am writing this: wifey chose to stay on within, right? She could have left too, right?

    If you are alleging financial desertion or abandonment, what is your evidence?

    as well as a couple of deeds to some real estate donated to the Society.

    Please cite the source of your information, and where the data can be verified. And, please name the donor(s).
    N.B. The Watchtower and The Golden Age are NOT credible or reliable sources.

    Also, please distinguish in your mind donations to a branch or segment of the Society in one country, and donations to its branch or segment in another. Title deeds not in one's own name would be of little use to one. Possession is not nine-tenths of the law here! Where trusteeship is involved, and beneficial ownership of the asset is unclear, to impugn Salter would be quite wrong.

    Pause and think: Had Salter actually decamped with Society assets, the rapacious Rutherford would have had the cops on his deadliest enemy before you could shout "Moderator 101 was a Silly Maroon!"

    (Radio Station Class)

  • Lee Elder
    Lee Elder

    This is one of those situations where the WTS and the elders are holding all of the cards. I believe that Bill's options are very limited. From a legal perspective, I'm sure his attorney has assessed his probability of success in a civil complaint related to the judicial action. They are poor in my opinion but nothing would please me more than to be wrong.

    If I found myself being called before a judicial committee and it mattered to me whether or not I was disfellowshipped, I would be inclined to make it perfectly clear to the local elders that I would positively sue them personally, not the Watchtower. In Bill's case, this is not going to work since WT legal is already involved. I know for a fact it has worked in a few other cases. When local WT elders who have a few dollars in the bank begin to realize that they could lose those assets if they make a mistake, some may think twice and back down.

    Here is one other possibly helpful tidbit. If you have quit associating on your own, and you have been out of the organization for a few years, the elders have the option of not forcing the issue. If they do, what do they accomplish? In most cases, they would only be acting to strain family relations with your JW relatives. A civil rights attorney mentioned to me that there is some applicable case law about "alienation of affection" that can come into play. I still have a letter from him somewhere on that topic.

    It is probably just a matter of time before the WTS commences with a full blown witch hunt and with the "dumbing down" of the organization over the years, some of the local "meathead" elders (the type that disfellowship JWs for reporting molesters) are sure to make serious mistakes in the handling of judicial matters. That could open the door and allow some inroads to be made into the WTS legal firewall on disfellowshipping.

  • Satanus


    I did a search on w f salter. All i found were copies of two of his letters. He documents rutherfords booze habit very well. Are there more sources for a bio and other info on him? Might you be sharing some of your material about him?



  • simplesally

    So they are allowed counsel......they have 3 elders and sometimes 5 elders, serving together to judge, confer and counsel, advise each other. They can take notes to refer back to. They can chose to have several meetings to discuss more and more. Oh and they have a secret book to guide them.

    You can go it alone. You can't call another meeting. You have no one to confer, counsel with or ask advice of. You can't take notes or tape it. (if you can take notes, they have no meaning and won't be made part of the file). You are forced to adhere to their judgment. You have no book telling you what the "rules" are and what "signs" of repentance you should be producing or what word gems should be uttering forth from your mouth.

    hmmmmm......sounds like Gestapo to me or the Salem witch hunt. Maybe you won't float if you drown, then they will realize you were not guilty.

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