Dungbeetle - check out W.F.Salter. YOU LEFT HIM OUT!
Now, he REALLY put "Da Judge" Rutherford's nose out of joint. It never got back into joint, actually.
Salter was a SUPER "apostate" (i.e. truth-telling exposer of Watchtower Wickedness). He achieved REAL cult-busting results.
A whole "Class" was named after him ("Achan Class"), and Rutherford lacked Russell's skill and penchant for Class-making. Do you need the references?
Compared to Salter, Ray Franz* is just a small-time, street-corner barker.
A more recent case? Compared to Salter, Kent Steinhaug lacks drive and determination.
And compared to Salter, I am a mild-mannered WT apologist.
I wonder if Salter's descendants can be tracked down and the gaps filled in. They would probably be pleased to know that (great-)grandpa was a HERO.
I think our Brave Silentlambs is of the Salter Class.
(Salter Fan Class)
* Ray DID NOT come to his departure with wholly clean hands, in my book. He had continued to indirectly participate in Watchtower deception - increasingly reluctantly, for sure - even after the warning bells had started to go off in his head. And he then tried to cling on. Cognitive dissonance. Yes, I know how hard it is - so no offense meant. And Ray has done MUCH to atone for his part in the Disgusting Thing. I grant him that, without qualification. But, it is my opinion that NOTHING can fully "absolve" him. I hope he thinks so too, for he is a good man.