HI Guest77: I avoid the topic because trying to reason with a conspiracy theorist is like trying to reason with a Christian Fundamentalists Bible-Thumping Hell Fire Southern Bapist. ... and while I accept that there are small conspiracy theories that last a short time, generally the "global-control freaks" are weak to non-existent, and lack "genuine" evidence. You noted,
Whether you will accept it or not, we are all controlled. The question that needs answering is, who controls us?
Your second question highlights the problem with your lead statement. What, who, when, where, how, and why? Prove it with solid evidence !
My family have been listed for centuries on the list of Illuminati ... my grandfather was a multi-millionaire, and supposedly controlled a lot. So, where is my money and power? Where is my inherited position to be part of the ruling class?
This Freemason-Illumnati connection with C.T. Russell is weak, especially the Illuminati part. I believe that there is some clear evidence that Russell was influenced and intrigued by the Freemasons ... he used their symbols and reportedly spoke well of them ... but today, no self-respecting JW would be caught dead in a Freemason meeting saluting the flag, and chanting their incantations. It is a prohibited membership to JWs.
So, even IF Russell was a member and wanted world domination, thre would be nothing better than his followers being Freemasons ... adds more secrecy and loyalty ... and yet, the over 6 million JWs are nowhere near supporting Freemasons today ... the connection and logic is too weak ... and ...
Even if we argue that the Rank & File are shifted to a side organization because the Freemasons do not need all the JW membership, only the leaders ... then one must prove that the current JW leaders, at least the GB members share in Freemason membership ... ask Ray Franz and he will confirm that the JW leadership is not, nor has it ever been joined in anyway with Freemasons. Also, you or me or any person off the street can join the Masons at anytime ... as long as you are patriotic ... and essentially, one could fake it until they are a 32 degree Mason ... and see what it is all about ... and I bet anyone will find that it is a bunch of foolishness ...
Of course, I could be trying to mislead everyone because of my Illuminati connections ... to keep you from noticing our centuries long plans to control the world and rule forever.