by Guest 77 41 Replies latest jw friends
Hi Guest 77,
Have you ever considered yourself a masochist? The reason I ask has more to do with humour. To post conspiratorial information on these forums falls largely on ridiculers and one might be better served to save his breath to blow on his hot porridge. I do suspect that a wholesale global hidden agenda exists; I do suspect that the hierarchies of many religious groups have a clandestine involvement to a global agenda, albeit subordinate to the agenda Illuminati. It is not unusual for individuals within the aforesaid religious heirarchies to not know of the hidden agenda. In the case of the WTS I suspect that esoteric knowledge is held by three or four individuals. I have read that Grant Suiter spent a lot of time down at the New York stock exchange. Why? Why are the biographies of WTS leaders virtually non-existant? Why has the WTS leadership primarily retained caucasion males with European names like Henschel, Franz, Knorr, Schroeder, Jaracz, etc.? Why is the WTS culture so Socialistic? The answer to some of these questions might take an open minded inquirer into a world of surprises.
Those whom you seem to call the Illuminati may no longer be known by that name tag and no longer harboured within Freemasonry. The Iluminated Ones do exist. Their satanic plan for a global government is still in tact. The UN is an agency of their making. The global economic system and the creation of fiat currencies is of their design. I am more cynical than you Guest 77---I am not inclined to share my research with rabid ridiculers. I have evidences which place the WTS as an agent of The Order; it may not be proof to satisfy the fearful, those who feel secure with their western brand of hellenic logic that can argue everything out of existence.
I'm curious what Mr Franz wrote you regarding Russells' alleged masonic connections. Would you consider to post it?
Note: Should read:-"subordinate tothe agenda of those whom you identify as the Illuminati"
: Bull shit Farkel? There are things beyond your control and there is nothing you can do about it. Bullshit? Prove it otherwise, smart ass Farkel!
You made the assertions. YOU prove it. Your statement shows your lack of critical thinking skills. The burden of proof is ALWAYS on the one making the assertions.
Your statement is the same as me saying, "I have invisible purple unicorns telling me the secrets of the Universe. PROVE ME WRONG."
4skins, sounds interesting. Most people lack the courage to be themselves. They need to hide behind something for security.
When you believe in something, you need to stand your ground. I like to know my enemies. I have given ample sources for my research and all I have gotten back is THEIR OPINIONS.
They can think whatever they want of me, they don't food on my table.I take care of myself and family. Everyone is entitled to vent out his/her views and not be afraid to be criticized. I've always said, "It takes no brains, no talent and no character to criticize."
I'm interested in Grant Suiter, is he still alive?
About Ray Franz, do you have a fax or can I fax the letter to someone you know? It's three pages.
Guest 77
There are quite a few ray franz fanz here. Why not scan and post. I think it would be interesting reading
Guest, I like deal in facts and inductive reasoning. So, what are the facts that I have seen? In my life time, the standard of living of the masses have improved considerably. The life span of the masses has lengthened substantially. Human freedoms have increased globally as well. So, I see no evidence of a elite illuminati who control the masses. I see just the opposite, i.e., a better world than we used to have. I see less control, not more.
: I'm interested in Grant Suiter, is he still alive?
Send your fax to Suiter to "The Launching Pad" c/o the Watchtower Society.
Hey Farkel, that was my very point with my now-famous "elephant repellant" story. We're actually wasting our time here. This guy is a sort of mirror image of Jan's "larsguy" or whatever his name is.
I really think that some of the marginal thinkers on this board prove my assertion that JWs attract the loonies to begin with. And when they leave, they quickly replace one loonieness for another, in the present case, conspiracy theories.
Ahem, of course this doesn't apply to those of us who were dragged into the KH as helpless little children, who were also forced to drink a whitish, bland liquid refered to as "mulk," or some such as that.
francois 3 -- guest 0
Welcome god farkel. I 've been waiting for you. You haven't change one bit since our previous encounters.
farkel, I love me, you do you love?
Guest 77
Your a loser Francois. You can't come up with material to support your claims. You and god farkel are twins. Why do you keep calling out for god farkel? What's the matter, you can't think for yourself?
You pick irrelevant matters to avoid the issues. Then again, that's the norm with gods like you.
Guest 77