Names of so-called conspirators

by Guest 77 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • SixofNine

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    No obligation whatsoever.

  • 4skins

    Hi Guest 77,

    Thanks for your response. Could I trouble you to post the pertinent sections of Mr. Franz's letter to you regarding his comments on Russell's alleged masonic connections? The reason for my obvious reluctance to post a fax # or email address you've probably assumed: From previous experience with posting private information I get choked with viruses or endless facsimile garbage from mentally disturbed and maniacal forum participants( I don't mean to prejudge forum participants here--I just don't wish to run the risk)

    You'll forgive me for the fact that I'm a newcommer here and hence unfamiliar with your previous posts and/or threads, but do you relate your research to what appears to me to be history written in advance, to wit, the Revelation?

  • Farkel

    : Welcome god farkel. I 've been waiting for you. You haven't change one bit since our previous encounters

    Yeah. I continue to demolish absurd arguments. You should try demolishing them instead of making them.


  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    god farkel, another one of your poor excuses. As I have said, you have not changed. You know better than anyone else. Destroy my argument? What, YOUR opinion destroys my argument? I produced names and sites for anyone to view. What have you produced? Your usual demeaning character, YOU know it all, well you don't. Is it no wonder I label you as god? You have not changed, god farkel and I don't exxxxpect you to change.

    Yes, I was waiting for you and I knew what you were going to say. You have not changed god farkel.

    Guest 77

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    4skins, since the letter is three pages, I will just make quotes, "As for the influence of freemasonry on the Watch Tower organization, this is based almost entirely on rumor, speculation and creative imagination......Nothing that either Russell or Rutherford wrote or said in any way indicates that they favored the Masonic system, quite to the contrary. As stated, when disfellowshipping procedures developed, it would have been a disfellowshiping offense for a witness to be a member of a Masonic lodge.....During the nine years I spent on the Governing Body the names of Russell and Rutherford were mentioned no more than a couple of times at most-and those 9 years included than four hundred meetings of the body. The matter of freemasonry did not surface in a single one of those meetings.

    Here's a part I appreciated, "Authoritarianism, of course, is not unique with Jehovah's Witnesses or with religious organizations. It takes some counteracting force for humans to suppress the inclination to dominate over others, by whatever means."

    This is a trait that I have noticed among the friends both male and female. The need to control others by intimidation and fear. You also have it on this board. These individuals excuse themselves by making out that YOUR insane, incompetent and don't know what your talking about, bullies I call them. When you listen to them closely they same the things over and over again. If they can't attack the issues, they will attack your character. Think for yourself.

    Guest 77

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    larc, if your content in the way you think of things, so be it, that is your individual choice. The problem with 'certain' individuals on this forum is they deny others their free thought and expression, especially when it doesn't coincide with theirs. They always 'attack' instead of making inquiries. There is truth to the saying, 'if you think your so smart, why aren't you rich.' Are they rich?

    I called these individuals intimidators, and there is no way that I will back down from such know it all's. I never have nor will I ever. Never under estimate the person behind the screen. I'm a strong believer in personal freedoms and in individuals thinking for themselves without being intimidated.

    Guest 77

  • Francois


    Listen sport, until you discover the difference between "your" and "you are" you've got no business attempting to engage anyone with an IQ larger than their hat size in a debate.

    As for your previous and last comments, I think I can safely say that there are several of us here who feverently pray you'd learn to think for yourself. You make such a fool of yourself when you parrot other people's ideas; ideas we investigated years ago and rejected as being beneath our dignity. Don't you have any...dignity, I mean? It's certainly not apparent.

    Like I said before: grow up.


    Edited by - Francois on 24 July 2002 13:50:25

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    Francois, you can't resist staying away can you? A perfectionsit in language are we, is that what life is based on? Where's your god fartel?

    You still base everything on YOUR opinions. I may have a small mind but you have to be an ASS to engage in a conversation with me.

    Go and bow before your gods.

    Guest 77

  • 4skins

    Hi Guest 77,

    Thank you for posting Mr.Franz's response. It contained what I supposed: The language of evasion. Mr.Franz sidestepped the issue of the claim that Russell was a Knight's Templar or was affiliated with other Masons. Note carefully what he said and what he failed to say!

    What seems to be consistently absent in these discussions is not the probability that Russell was a KT, but the fact of the secret society once within freemasonry. That secret society comprised members of The Haskalah or The Illuminists. Illuminists are invariably Zionists. The WTS has promoted zionism in its early days(even before Herzl articulated it) and its theology still employs traits of zionism. Everything the WTS stands for smacks of Illuminism, not freemasonry. And this is probably why Mr.Franz never heard any discussions of freemasonry. Communism or more specifically, socialism, was articulated by The Illuminated Ones and the watchtower culture is riddled with the oppressive controls peculiar to communism. Authoritarianism is but one aspect of control which Mr.Franz shared in before departing. The world headquarters of The Haskalah or The Brotherhood is today centered in New York.

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    4skins, I only gave you what you requested. I have to take the information at face value.

    Where is your source of information coming from?

    Guest 77

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