Puffs, I appreciated your story very much. I have a similar story to share.
My dad (stepdad, but he's my dad regardless of that silly cult barrier). He never graduated high school, only made it as far as the tenth grade. And that was in Georgia of the 60's when students walked barefoot to school and one wouldn't think a farm tractor out of place in the dirt parking lot.
With that 10th grade education, he busted his skinny ass to support our family, starting out with a micro-sized trailer (excuse me, manufactured home), a 1960's model Ford Falcon bought for $25, and his job as a welder at some crappy shop in the slums of nearby Perry. He moved on to the insurance industry, running the old "policy routes" common in the rural south where folks like us paid for their insurance by the week but not by the U. S. Postal Service. With his 10th grade education he used that crummy policy route to move up to General Agent of a company he started with another dub. He passed every single necessary certification and licensing test with flying colors. He had awards hanging on his office wall and probably still has them boxed up somewhere. Still doesn't have a high school diploma though, but I garantee you that he has a better work ethic than your average college graduate. And I respect him so much for that.
I can say that I have at least some of his drive. I've had times when I slept in my car, slept in a utility room of a friend's apartment, and many times had no dinner to come home to. I've worked for what I have. Last year I did my taxes and saw that I paid $9,000 in Federal taxes alone (this year even more) and only got a refund of $1600 while I saw co-workers getting refunds of $3,000 or more. Their friends were coming by bragging about refunds of over $6,000 and how they got it by "renting a kid or two".
I have absolutely no sympathy left for "the poor". Not when I have to stand behind them in line at the convenience store while they blow $20 on that damn lottery. Not when I have to stand behind them in line at the grocery store while they fumble with their EBT card (welfare funded debit card) with groceries that they then load into a Cadillac. Nor when they come into my shop with said Cadillac and the state welfare agency pays for any necessary repairs. That's my damn money, not theirs. When they say welfare what they really mean is they want someone to earn it, bring it home, put it on the table, and feed them. Sorry, but that ain't in the Constitution.
I say emphatically: Tax The Poor!
Let the bottom 50% pay theirfair share! Give the big refunds to us middle-class working folks who have been supporting this country all these years. And I don't mean that $300/$600 check they sent out last year either. Let us keep more of our money to spend and invest and then you'll see a real boost to the economy that benefits everyone! Get rid of that criminal "Earned Income Tax Credit" because it is definitely not earned nor is it fair considering the actual taxes paid by the recipients.
Ok that was a rant, but I had to get it off my chest. No apologies though. It had to be said, and needs to be repeated.