Crownboy, I guess something like that would work. Maybe something like School Vouchers where you get to select the HMO that treats you.
The Rich Get Richer......
by VioletAnai 33 Replies latest jw friends
Room 215
The most intractable problem facing the world in this century is dealing with the aspirations of the have-not nations. Led by the United States and the rest of the developed world, you'vew got a situation wherein maybe 5 percent of the world's population consumes 60 percent of its resources. This consumption supports a standard of living that all peoples aspire to, but which if realized globally, would result in the destruction of our environment.
Yet how do we privileged ones tell these tragically perennial have-nots that they can never hope to have it as good as we've had it for more than a century, lest we all go down the tubes under a cloud of noxious gasses, emissions and global warming?
Bendrr said:
Tax the poor!
I disagree. Tax nobody. Let people pay for what they use. That way everybody - rich and poor - should be happy except moochers!
Get rid of that criminal "Earned Income Tax Credit" because it is definitely not earned nor is it fair considering the actual taxes paid by the recipients.~~Bendrr
Had to jump in here. I certainty don't want a flame war. But are you aware that over 50% of all military personal are qualified to receive EIC, WIC and about 25% food stamps? This group of military men and women who are made up of mostly Non-commissioned Officers E1-E7(depending on the size of the family) and Junior Commissioned Officers live in what is considered the poverty level in the USA and Abroad.
These Poor Americans who at a whims notice will and DO defend our country. Will give their life in an instant to protect from the likes of Bin Laden? Yes, all benefits, housing, clothing allowances, bonuses etc.are figured into their total income. They still qualify for EIC, WIC and food stamps.
It's sad IMO that the nations military people who love their country enough to die for it are poor. The military does not work 9-5 its a 24/7 job. Starting between 4-5am ending anywhere from 6-7 pm usually later for higher ranking non-commissioned officers and Junior Commissioned Officers.
This does not include field problems where one spends time in the woods covered in insects, inclement weather and eats crap food out of a bag for months at a time. Nor does it include deployments to foreign countries where one is usually in eminent danger.
The average salary for a SGT And SSG ranges between 24,000 and 36,000 a year. Imagine feeding a family of five off of 24,000 a year.
Yes, its their choice but a brave choice.
I am not saying that others do not work in dangerous situations and are not paid well for it. I am sure as well some of you may be willing to give your life for your country. Just think please before one makes a blanket statement.