BBQ Update

by LittleToe 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • LittleToe

    Well, I finally got home, after a round trip of about 1600 miles, visiting 28 ex-JW's and their families, from around Britain.

    The highlight of the trip was definitely Englishman's BBQ
    The spider-filled digeridoo, was a real bonus, as was the sing-alonga-Eman (Shame that not everyone knew "Wild Rover" ). I'm looking forward to seeing some more photos, as they come out.

    So, just a few observations, now that I've met some more of you...

    Englishman was everything that I expected, a real gent. Her ladyship was a star - really considerate, and with an astonishing memory for names! Samantha cut loose at the BBQ, and then kept me up chatting, long after everyone else had gone to bed - she's certainly got her head screwed on.

    Simon was covertly a scream. I'm never going to forget some of the faces he pulled, whilst he kept one rather uninspiring conversation going in the pub (ROFL).

    Ang is gorgeous, and her pictures really don't do her justice. So much for looking demure - she emitted a real confidence, she really seems to know who she is (at least that's how she came over, in person)

    Ballistic was the surprise, for me. I didn't expect the easy going, ponderous natured guy, that he presented. As he commented, himself, he's quite unlike the image that you get from his Nik.

    Celtic / Invisible had me in stitches, especially when he was trying to score some spliff (ROFL). I had expected a schizo, but was presented with a great guy who is suppressing a lot of cold hard rage at the b*st*rds from Brooklyn. Boy are we going to party, sometime in the near future!

    ISP couldn't remember my name, and was probably single-handedly the reason that we all kept using our Niks in the pub, to the confusion of the locals.

    Latte payed me the complement of saying that I looked younger than my picture - thanks

    Termite was stunning - and I couldn't take my eyes off her hair!!!

    Matty was EXACTLY how I had imagined him, from his posting style.

    Joy2BFree & Jst2Laws were simply great. Big hearted, and I've gotta go visit them.

    Sleepy was as sleepy does and has a whole lotta woman! I'll not say anymore, because something he said in one of the threads makes me think that they cherish their anonymity.

    Belmont (plural) have got to be one of the bravest couples I know.

    Meatpie - sorry I didn't get to speak to you longer.

    And Xena for phoning us and adding your presence to what turned out to be a GREAT occasion!

    Darn, I know I've forgotten some folks...

    Edited by - LittleToe on 25 July 2002 8:44:33

  • invisible

    Hiya LittleToe

    How ye be you happiest old sod? Great seeing you, Samantha eh? Wow!! What a lady, totally scrummy, ummmmm e'muff said.

    Cold rage eh? Not quite, but yes you get the general drift.

    Hey, how about I hitch hike the 600 miles or so upcountry to come and see you sometime over the coming month or two, you up for us getting together soon, let me know what you think yep?

    Glad you enjoyed yourself.

    Celtic Mark - Cornwall

  • Matty

    Hey LittleToe, like your new Avatar, looking thoughtful! It was a real pleasure meeting you, I think that a lot of us were a bit "We're not worthy!!!" with you, I hope you can excuse my sycophancy. You were a lot more chilled out than I imagined from your posts, you have that kind of tranquil demeanour that doesn't tally with all the stress you've been through, I found Jst2Laws like this as well - I could really do with a bit of that!

    So I'm exactly how you imagined me from my posting style? Oh, dear. Unfortunately I'm quite well known, and so this will mean that I'm in danger of getting rumbled soon by a lurking JW spy.

  • kat7302

    I have to say in Matts defence that he didnt look how I imagined him....I was expecting Chris Evans! lol.....definate go 007 matt!

  • Matty

    I wish I had Chris Evan's money, and hence his pulling power! You can't seriously think that Billie Piper would have married him if he wasn't a millionaire?!

  • LittleToe


    I think that a lot of us were a bit "We're not worthy!!!" with you...

    You were??? Why??? I never picked up on that, I was oblivious.

    Every soul there was a testimony to survival after cult conditioning. What a GREAT bunch of guys and gals!!! I'd like to call you "friends" but it's me that feels unworthy! It was like I'd known you all all my life.

    I have never met such a well rounded out bunch, and the confidence that exuded from so many was incredible. I hadn't the foggiest idea what to expect, but the reality surpassed all thought.

    My heart goes out to you, Matty. Please email, I'll let you have my number.


  • Angharad

    Glad you got home safe Littletoe!

    Great to meet you too - if you are ever around Manchester let us know.

    Edited by - angharad on 25 July 2002 9:2:8

  • LittleToe

    Darn, I forgot TruckerGB...

    He was pretty much as I expected, too. A lovely guy and great on the dig!!!

  • Prisca

    I've always thought you guys from Mother England were a great mob, but now there's an even better reason to love and respect you guys - some of you can play the didgeridoo!!

    I'm glad you all had such a great time - I really wish I could meet you guys...... ah well, when I win the lottery I might!

  • Simon

    Well, 'play' is probably too strong a word. A couple of people managed to make it sound Australian but the rest of us just blew raspberries

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