BBQ Update

by LittleToe 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • kat7302

    The Manchester Bash??????

    Havent heard about that one! Where do you hail from then Little Toe? Im assuming not too far from me! Thanks for the offer of a lift, thats really kind of you...I failed my driving test and am useless on public transport!!!!!!

    Id really love to meet all of you though.

  • LittleToe

    So true, even when Celtic was swearing like a trooper - LOL - I was waiting to see a reaction from anyone, and none came. It was great!!!
    Non-judgmental, is the key, since I believe we've all had a bellyfull.

    I live in Scotland. It would be nice to see you in Manchester, whenever it is.

    Smile-break? What's that? I don't believe in them, to some folks infuriation!!!
    I was raised on sayings such as "Smiling takes less muscles than frowning", and "Smile and the whole world smiles with you".
    I've been visually impaired all my life, but this year I got that fixed, so my comment stands

  • termite 35
    termite 35

    My Grandmother used to say that about frowning and smiling, Little Toe !

    Ballistic's right; I certainly feel unconditional love towards you all that I doubt anyone else but you lot would understand.

    The distance you travelled was incredible, L.toe;at last Manchester won't be quite as far-bring the wife this time...We'll sort her out-we'll love bomb her and get her p****d-she'll be out faster than a woman complaining about an elder!!!!!!

  • LittleToe


    I'll let you know if I succeed in getting her to come, so you can be prepared. Manchester will hopefully be a much easier trip - I'm still knackered (but smiling ) !!!

  • Joyzabel

    I'm glad you made it home ok, Little Toe.

    It was such a pleasure to meet you. You have such a warm, inviting way about you that you bring the best out in everyone.

    Next time we are in the UK I hope we get to meet your wife. Don't give up hope on her, there has to be some way to crack her shell.



  • LittleToe

    Glad to see you got home safe, Joy - regards to Jst2Lws

    {{{hugs back}}}

  • termite 35
    termite 35

    I thought you would be...!

  • ballistic

    Little Toe, even your great new icon does not do your smile real justice.

  • LittleToe


    I'll look out one, just for you - LOL.

  • COMF
    Termite was stunning - and I couldn't take my eyes off her hair!!!

    Yeah, I was noticing that myself! Dang... Texas doesn't look so special anymore, with ladies like that over there.

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