BBQ Update

by LittleToe 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • kat7302

    who knows about Billie Matt....theres a lot to be said for personality you know!!!!! If someone can make me laugh then they're already making a good impression in that does take a lot to make me laugh though as I have such a seriously warped sense of humour! Chris Evans is a funny guy so maybe that was enough......personally, nah...I couldnt go for him cos of the teeth thing but other than that, he isnt THAT bad!

    As for the money......that kinda helps! Ive been thinking of starting up my own enterprise now anyway Matt to improve financial situations.......I hear its cherry picking season in some countries and I can think of nothing better...can you? oh, to be at one with nature!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Englishman

    Well, I'm still glowing from the whole experience.

    It was astonishing how quickly we all gelled together, afterwards in the pub was a real hoot too.

    The people who stayed over came around in the morning, Joy2bfree and Jst2laws had too zoom off to London, so they left very early. Everyone else came around for coffee about 10 am, eventually it was just Matty, Celtic and myself putting the world to rights whilst sat in the garden.

    Celtic told me that at one time he was so sure that the Dubs were right that he had made plans for the first 600 years in paradise!

    I have zillions of pics to be developed, will post them soon, no pics of those who don't want to be known of course.


  • kat7302

    are there any plans to have another one soon? do I go about arranging one? I guess I could ask in some local hotels and stuff and go from there but would anyone be interested in coming down to Cardiff?????

    I really wanna meet all you guys!

  • TruckerGB

    Pleased you made it home ok,it was good to meet you,if ever you'r down this way look us up you,r more than welcome,in fact that goes for everybody.

    Take care,


  • sleepy

    Hi little toe.

    Its funny ,now when I read peoples posts I can imagine their voice saying it.

    By the way it was nice to meet you all, I wish I could have stayed longer, but I had to obey the voice of my wife who needed to get up early for work.

  • Matty

    Well, how can you not obey that lovely voice!

  • ISP

    Little are a cool person!

    I do know your name....or at least I do know now! You certainly have an open invite to the North west if you need it!

    Look forward to seeing ya!


  • LittleToe

    I'm scunnered that I wasn't able to get in contact before the event. I could have nipped over and given you a lift. A few more miles wouldn't have made much difference to me. Look forward to seeing at the Manchester bash!

    Ah, now I understand why you sloped off - no worries, no need to make excuses

    What did I do to be dubbed "cool" and "not worthy" of being with???
    I'm flumoxed!

  • ballistic

    We had a kind of 'unity' the society would be jealous of. Bonded by our common experience of dub-dom but without condemnatory or judgemental attitudes, certainly a lot closer to 'unconditional love' whatever that is.

  • termite 35
    termite 35

    Hi Little Toe;Glad you got back safely,I think you must have met the most ex-jw's of anyone here.

    Did you manage to get a smile break at all?! You're so happy !

    It was lovely to meet you and to laugh until I nearly wet myself. I'll ride on that compliment for years to come- i've been called many things in my time ,but never stunning.

    how long have you been visually impaired.......??!!

    I hope you manage to find a gem that will tempt your wife to question SOMETHING;I'll be thinking of you and keeping my fingers crossed.

    Keep smiling.Termite

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