I'm close to leaving this place, but before I go, I've been meaning to post this politically incorrect viewpoint. It's an extension of a conversation I had with my mother in law not long ago, a conversation which was itself an extension of several extensions of thought that I've had over the years about a number of things.
Simply put, there are two kinds of people in our world. Those that believe the bible and those that don't. It's a simple statement that divides the whole world, but fairly. Face it: when it comes to the question of "did he or didn't he inspire?", there's no sitting on the fense. Either you do or you don't. Beleive, that is. I think I'm on safe ground so far.
Either you believe that the HOLY BIBLE is inspired of god... a message to humanity... a love letter... whatever... or you don't.
This post is for those that are bible believers. Or, bible believers who think they are and who are about to be exposed as something else. To me, the question isn't all that important. The answer *is*. Or only *might be*. Or... probably ain't, but, like everybody else, I'm adding my fluff to the board tonight before I go.
here's the deal...
The bible... I say the bible says that the man (the bible calls him adam) was made first and he lived alone for an indefinite length of time. Before he died, god's perfect creature finally got a clue, the clue being: he (adam) was alone; there was no other creatures of his "kind." [If there was ever a collective need for a "Duh", this was it. Yeah, adam, you're alone, you fool. What *else* is new?]
Based on the chronology of one of the current self-appointed spokesmen for god, the time period of the first man's aloneness was at least 25 years. Sounds about right since I think it should be a felony for a man to do ANYTHING life-altering before he's thirty. However long it was, if the bible is true the "alone time" came to an end. God kicked in the second phase of his great plan and decreed that man needed a helper. A compliment.
Now, bear in mind, this ain't teejay talkin'. God said it: Man was made first. Woman second, to... um... more or less finish him off. To "complete" HIM, the man.
Which brings me to my point.
If so many people, particularly females who have a peculiar proclivity toward god and his sayings, say they are believers, why is it that so many of them ALSO say that men should be trying to figure out what THEY--women--want/need/require?
In a culture supposedly so steeped in Christianity, bible, word of god... shouldn't we see more women trying to figure out what the men in their lives want?
Bye, y'all.