women, god and religion

by teejay 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • Solace

    I agree with you spice.

    Movement shmoovement. I treat everyone equal and expect the same. My actions are based on what my heart and head tells me is right. Im raising my daughter to be independant and strong. Growing up without a father, I know what my mother went through. Sometimes you have to be a leader because you may just be the only one present.

  • outoftheorg

    Hey TeeJay where you going?

    My take on this subject is that it is obvious that god made man first and made woman second and as a helpmate for the man. So lets see you start helping!


    DAMN what got you so upset? Did I say something wrong? OUCH QUIT HITTING ME!

  • California Sunshine
    California Sunshine

    Hi Teejay....

    I would hate to see you leave as you are one of my favorite people. I don't come to the board much. I try to keep it down to once a week. It's mighty addicting ya know. I did happen to do a little lurking today and decided to comment on your thread.

    You say its for Bible believers.......I wish I could say I am...but I can't.

    The Bible is inspired?....and how do we know?....well gosh girl..."the Bible tells us so".

    The Bible was written by humans trying to find answers to their questions....like...where did we come from? Why is there suffering in the world? and so on....

    The Bible is a book written by "middle eastern men" (that should give us a clue) and reflects the prejudices of the time in witch it was written. Those same prejudices still exist in their culture today. The religious fundamentalists have seemed to have taken it to a new level however. The WTS is not far behind.

    I, as a woman, only want one thing......not to be looked upon as something of lesser value. I just want to be appreciated for my own talents and don't give a rodents behind what the Bible says. I don't want to be a compliment to anyone...I want to be a full partner and will settle for nothing less.

    As always...interesting stuff here.


  • 4skins

    Hey Francois,

    You summed it up pretty well. Feminism is all about female moral superiority and even feminists understand that equality is non-existent. The type of superiority feminists clamour for is also to exercise dominance over feminine women. Equality is an illusion; it has never existed, does not exist and will never happen. Feminism, a socialist experiment, has another objective--- to disturb functional heterosexuality. Even as its practised in the watchtower culture it has largely been successfull.

    Generally speaking, men and women don't understand each other. Contrary to what women say, women do not understand other women either, unless of course it's a lesbian relationship. What men won't understand about women is the difference between 'wants' and needs. Women don't know what they want; men must have a basic understand their needs.

  • Solace

    4Skins & Francois,

    Boy, you sure do seem to know alot about what women understand and want.

    Should I grow my hair longer so my husband can drag me around by it?

  • TheStar


    I'm no psychic but it's evident if this continues this thread will turn into a nasty flame war.

    Don't get sucked in....

    Edited by - TheStar on 26 July 2002 21:42:18

  • SixofNine

    Generally speaking, men and women don't understand each other. Contrary to what women say, women do not understand other women either, unless of course it's a lesbian relationship. What men won't understand about women is the difference between 'wants' and needs. Women don't know what they want; men must have a basic understand their needs.

    LOL. Keep strokin' it buddy. You obviously understand that the mind is largest sex organ. You obviously take that information a bit too seriously.

  • 4skins

    Hi Heaven,

    I don't know Francois so I can't speak for him. But I can tell you this:- I didn't say "want", I said "need", and yes, the latter is true. I'll tell you this also. When Bill Clinton got voted in for his second term on the back of women voters the NOW feminists commissioned Rosalie Osias, a New York attorney to run a poll to determine why. She drafted a report which enraged her employers(come to think of it, when are feminists not enraged?) She stated that women vote with their libidoes; the man that generates the authority image attracts women. In summary she stated that it is the man with the biggest club that gets the woman. Based on Osisas' poll I would suggest you do grow your hair long.

    six of nine: Are you saying that your real identity is Richard Cranium?

  • Solace

    Why 4skins, I didnt know you had a web cam. Nice picture!!

    And whats not to like about good ole' Bill?

  • expatbrit

    Why would women spend time figuring out what men want? The answer is contained in the original question. If, as the bible says, women were created to complement, or complete men, then obviously what men want is women.

    So, now that men are all sorted out, let's move on to the far more interesting and complicated question of what women want. And why they want it. And why they kick your ass when you don't give it to them because you don't know what it is.


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