Knowing that this guy was stumbed, maybe he paid this reader to say that.
Don't buy into Ray Franz's stumbling block.
by Bleep 93 Replies latest watchtower bible
Bleep has sucked deeply from the Brooklyn teat of misleading quotation practices.
Ray Franz wrote, "I was baptized a Jehovah's Witness in 1972 (three years before Armageddon came) and served as an Elder for a good number of years. All I can say is put Franz book to the test for yourself. I did, and it was right on the money."
Could you post the page/revision and title of the book (Crisis of Conscience or In Search of Christian freedom) you are quoting from, so I can look it up for myself. Then I will comment.
I would like to verify that indeed it is a quote from the book, and also like to see the context in which it was written.. We all know that if you are quoting someone, you must quote them properly, and in context, so as not to put 'words' in the mouth of someone!
If you wish, I can find the WT literature that states how to properly quote someone..
Are you breaking WT policy? If not, provide the Book Title, page #, paragraph, and the revision of the book so we can check for ourselves please.. I'd love to see the context of this one!!!
Thank you
Edited by - itsjustlittleoldme on 26 July 2002 18:57:6
I did say oopsy didn't I. Maybe it was the writer who wrote it. No name was provided.
That's ok you can try to look for the author's many fine works and guess which one I am talking about.
Bleep, you say that Ray Franz was baptized in 1972. Would you please provide the page number and the edition for this quote you gave? Almost everyone here knows better, and you are only making yourself look foolish. I wish you would refrain from such stupid remarks. You are not even a worthy debater. You have really sunk to a new low. I really feel sorry for you. Your posts are getting worse, not better.
Damn, you are the most ignorant of your Self Righteous-Intollerant-Elitist-Bigoted organization. Your stupid ass organization, filled with morons ( you being the poster boy), is printing their Watchtowers, Awakes, and publications for money! Where do you think they get the 960 million dollars a year in revanue....mostly by picking their asses? Oh wait, that's what your governing body does...pick their ass and make money, selling their bullshit. Idiot.
It doesn't take 960 million dollars to print your toilet paper publications, so don't use this "it's for costs" bullshit....makes you wonder where all the money goes. Nice cushy life for them governing body members up in Bethel eh?
College student my ass. You have to come up with a better arguement then financial motivation, because your arguement can be applied to your filthy organization. Remember this verse, since you have some bible rules to live by: Before removing the stick from your brother's ass, first remove the telephone pole from your own ass. Now, see? Isn't lovely?....I don't live by your rules! So I don't have to APPLY this to my life.
It is not the Christian freedom one I am sure of it. That one is worse.
BLEEP, Does somebody have you make such statements to see whether the "apostate" community is still affected by Ray Franz?
How do expect to graduate from college? You cannot spell! I suggest an English class or 2, or 3, 4, 5, or maybe you should just save yourself the pain and heartache and drop out........