Europe: I think it has already been brought out in a previous post that this is not Ray Franz' comments (as can be seen from the extracts from his book which I posted above), but those of a reviewer of his book. I know at and other online bookstores that many buyers have used the facility to give personal reviews of books.
Don't buy into Ray Franz's stumbling block.
by Bleep 93 Replies latest watchtower bible
i read rays book over 20 yrs ago. it really helped my exit.
I took a minute to think about Jehovah and an Organization that does what God wants mankind to do. They are separate but also of like mind. Any Organization can be accused of being the "Borg", since they are of like mind and not a democracy. Try to be like a Theocracy and you get what Jesus got when he was on earth.
Just my two minutes worth.
Try to be like a Theocracy and you get what Jesus got when he was on earth.
What would that be?
Hahahaha, I gues the WTS is a Theocracy because they're getting crucified right now about the pedo issue!
Good call, dumbass.
I took a minute to think about Jehovah and an Organization that does what God wants mankind to do.
I hope that was an expression of speech rather than an indication of the depth of your research Bleep. Unfortunately you have build up a pattern of posts to date, that seem to indicate that my hopes are thwarted.
Blep babbles some more!
A Cult would not let anybody out of the orginization. Many people are disfellowshiped for doing wrong. Ethics and Morals are GOOD. Gothics and Satan worshipers are far worse, make a book about them for once.
Blep, do you understand exactly who you are going up against on these matters on THIS site? You are faced with some of the most influential people in the XJW world here, who know a thousand times more about the Organization than you could ever dream to know, and yet you constantly deride their experiences and knowledge of the deep things of Jehovah? GOD!!!!!
BTW, the Witnesses technically DON'T ever let anyone out of the Organization. They will always pressure you to go back, unless you have been VERY naughty. And you talk about Ethics and Morals, yet your Organization protects child molesters with it's policies. Please, dude, you KNOW you are wrong by now!
Stop showing your ignorance and go and do some reading. Oh, sorry, I forgot, "Momma" won't allow you to read Crisis of Conscience! Go read a Watchtower then! How about an old Golden Age magazine? The "Air Bath" issue is particularly good, or so I hear, and others have told me to be on the lookout for the one where they say Aluminium is POISON!
Your religion is a farce, and while I am constrained by cordiality and unable to call you what Farkel did, if you carry on in this path of utter ignorance, you will be proving Farkel's words to be VERY TRUE INDEED!
Bleep, Theocracy is just another word for dictatorship, and that is exactly what you are living in.
He's not living in a theocracy... he's living here! More's the pity.
Cheers, Ozzie
Syn writes a lot of stats on this here JW site. Let me clear some of the stats up. Syn claims he knows 1000 times more knowledge than an active Jehovah's Witness.
I hope he is aware of the timely information that is brought out to my religion. Being a lost Apostate brings darkness and no knowledge about God. It is sad to think they are 1000 times smarter about Jehovah.
First thing they should do is read Psalms Chapter One. They let someone stumble them so they can have a reason to hate God's Organization. Second thing they should do is attend some more meetings. Then maybe they will see that they know 0 to 50%. Of course I know 100% and not 1000 times more than anyone, thats just silly.
What path do you think I am going on? I hope to go on the narrow path to everlasting life and not the braud road to everlasting destruction. Don't feel bad if you feel like saying abusive speech, we are all imperfect.
Dia wrote, "Take 1 minute and try to imagine that God and the WTS are two different things."
I did just what she asked of me. Happy?