Don't buy into Ray Franz's stumbling block.

by Bleep 93 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Bleep

    What a wife and husband does in bed is between them and no one else.

    Everyone knows that! Wow those brothers were dumb if that is true. Shows how much smarter the brothers have grown as well though.

    Threw years are wisdom, but the Bible will never be replaced.

    Thanks all for your comments and beliefs in the book. I will have much more to learn about the stumbling blocks or truth or the book about misdirection society.

    Please bear with me all, that's why I am here.

  • wasasister

    Translation help for readers:

    "preasts" = priests

    "marrage" = marriage

    "threw" years = through years

    Again, Bleep, do you understand that Ray Franz did NOT quote those book reviews? They were written by and for users of As far as you know, Ray Franz does not even know they exist. He is certainly not responsible for their content (especially if they are all those gay priests who live in West Virginia).

  • JanH


    Everyone knows that! Wow those brothers were dumb if that is true. Shows how much smarter the brothers have grown as well though.

    These sexual practices within marriage are still grounds for DFing among JWs. FYI. So they didn't learn.

    The geriatric body is the last people on earth you'd want to control your sex life. But then, it seems even you understand that

    - Jan

  • Trauma_Hound

    Bleeb, I suggest you go back to school, here is the defination of cult, and according to the defination yes, WTS is a cult!

  • A system or community of religious worship and ritual.
  • The formal means of expressing religious reverence; religious ceremony and ritual.
  • A usually nonscientific method or regimen claimed by its originator to have exclusive or exceptional power in curing a particular disease.
    1. Obsessive, especially faddish, devotion to or veneration for a person, principle, or thing.
    2. The object of such devotion.
    3. cult Pronunciation Key (k
        1. A religion or religious sect generally considered to be extremist or false, with its followers often living in an unconventional manner under the guidance of an authoritarian, charismatic leader.
        2. The followers of such a religion or sect.
      1. An exclusive group of persons sharing an esoteric, usually artistic or intellectual interest.

      2. [Latin cultus , worship, from past participle of colere , to cultivate. See k w el- 1 in Indo-European Roots.]
        cul or cult adj.
        cult n.
        cult n.
        Source: The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition
        Copyright 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company.
        Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.


        \Cult\ (k?lt) n .[F. culte, L. cultus care, culture, fr. colere to cultivate. Cf. Cultus.] 1. Attentive care; homage; worship.

        Every one is convinced of the reality of a better self, and of. thecult or homage which is due to it. --Shaftesbury.

        2. A system of religious belief and worship.

        That which was the religion of Moses is the ceremonial or cult of the religion of Christ. --Coleridge.

        Source: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, 1996, 1998 MICRA, Inc.


        n 1: adherents of an exclusive system of religious beliefs and practices 2: an interest followed with exaggerated zeal: "he always follows the latest fads"; "it was all the rage that season" [syn: fad, craze, furor, furore, rage] 3: a system of religious beliefs and rituals [syn: religious cult ]

        Source: WordNet 1.6, 1997 Princeton University
    4. ItsJustlittleoldme
      Hey Bleep stated:
      Everyone knows that! Wow those brothers were dumb if that is true. Shows how much smarter the brothers have grown as well though.

      Yeah, interstingly enough, the rest of the world already knew that when the 'brothers and sisters' from God's organization didn't know that back in the 1970's...

      The reason the brothers and sisters learned wasn't because Jehovah revealed it to them, it was because the WORLD revealed it to them..

      Or, if you want to, you can claim that Jehovah revealed it to them, but then I'll have to go into my discourse on false prophets..

      Your call,

      A.) The WORLD (controlled by Satan of course) taught "gods organization" a thing or two

      B.) Jehovah taught his 'organization' a thing or two..

      You pick.. I'll wait for your answer (But I won't hold my breath, I'd be dead by then!)

    5. Salud

      I miss You Know....

      Edited by - salud on 26 July 2002 21:17:7

    6. 4skins

      Hi Bleep,

      I think you've asked reasonable questions, but I can't see anything immoral in making a couple of bucks from legitimate effort. And I can virtually assure you that Mr.Franz is not making a 'bundle' from his book sales. The money just aint there like it used to be. People don't read lengthy books like they used to before the days of TV and junk magazines; the result is that folk tend to be illiterate and poor spellers, which is often a symptom of an ability to think critically. You seem to fit this classification---but don't fret---you can break out of it like so many others here have. Your critical thinking abilities will return as will your spelling prowess.

    7. Big Tex
      Big Tex


      Son, you've got some problems. You said, " Many people are disfellowshiped for doing wrong. Ethics and Morals are GOOD ." What about Bill Bowen? What "wrong" thing did he do? Show me where God disapproves of us speaking the truth? Give me a Biblical example of God forbidding the exposure of corruption. What about Barbara Anderson? What immoral or unethical act did she commit? Since when is it "wrong" to tell a news reporter the truth? And if it's an embarrassing, or painful truth, is that wrong? What about David and Bathsheba? Surely that reflected badly on the one true religon. Surely the prophet Nathan was stoned or banished from Israel for speaking up to the king. Right? A CO sat in my living room and told me that if I said one more word about my incestuous JW family, I would be disfellowshipped. He didn't doubt the accuracy of my story, he just wanted me to shut up and go away. Is that treating the "flock" with tenderness and compassion? Is that ethical? Moral? If it happened to me, it's happened to others. Disfellowshipping is a JW way of killing someone to keep them quiet.

      Second: You said, " So which Ethical thing is worse? Quoting a writer from a reader or a writer not even quoting a real name?" About 30 years ago, a couple of reporters from Washington Post helped bring down a corrupt President using nothing but unnamed sources. Was that unethical? Immoral? Sometimes a source, or a whistleblower, wants anonymity because they fear the obvious and immediate repurcussions from their stepping forward. If you doubt that, your hold on reality is more tenuous than I thought.

      Third: You said, " 4)The book costs money and not a donation. " So what? Shakespeare charged for his writings, as did Plato, Socrates and the Watchtower Bible and Tract Association. I pounded the pavement for 18 years charging people money for books, magazines and anything else they told us to sell. Are you saying that now that they ask for a donation it somehow makes WTBS ethical and moral? Thank god for the "New Light", what would they do without it?

      Bleep, the wheels are just shooting off your little red Witness wagon. If you didn't like the book, fine. But why be so vitrolic toward anyone else who wants to? In all candor, I have not read Mr. Franz' book, but after reading your oh-so-accurate review, I will make it a point now.

    8. Farkel


      Did I ever tell you that you were a fucking moron?

      I certainly hope not, because I wouldn't have liked the embarassment I would have had to face by underestimating you.


    9. sunshineToo

      My dear dear Bleepy,

      I'll take it as you really haven't read the book ( Crisis of Conscience ) yet. Either you read it or stop misquoting things from that book.

      Hey, are you doing this just to get our attention?

      Bleepy, isn't it past your bed time now?

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