This is the ultimate in depraved....

by Mimilly 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mimilly

    POSTED AT 12:44 PM EDT Friday, July 26
    S.African baby-rapist jailed for life

    Reuters News Agency

    Johannesburg A South African man was sentenced to life imprisonment on Friday for raping a nine-month-old baby, in an attack which outraged the country known for its high levels of violent crime.

    South African radio said a High Court judge found David Potse at one time the boyfriend of the baby's mother guilty after police told the court that DNA samples taken from the infant had matched Mr. Potse's own.

    "Judge Lacock told the court the crime was the most gruesome form of a human rights violation he had found in his 32-year-old career, and he believed the party deserved the death sentence," the radio station said.

    It said that Mr. Potse, 23, was sentenced to a further 18 years imprisonment for indecent assault. Court officials could not be reached for comment.

    The baby girl, nicknamed Tshepang (Have Hope) to protect her identity, had to have reconstructive surgery to repair her genitals and internal organs.

    Some 21,000 cases of child rape were reported to South African police last year. The attacks have been fuelled by a myth that sex with a virgin will protect a man against AIDS or even cure him of the disease, that affects one in nine South Africans.

    Potse's trial took place in Upington, a town in South Africa's western Northern Cape province. In a separate case in another part of the country, a court sentenced a 48-year-old farm labourer to 27 years imprisonment for raping an 11-year old girl two years ago, the South African Press Association said.


    i can't handle this anymore.


  • Incense_and_Peppermints


    life imprisonment is being kind to this evil, evil person. i hesitate to call them sick because when someone is sick they can't help themselves. he made the choice to do what he did, so he's not sick. he's evil pure and simple. oooh i would love to get my hands on people like this....just five teensy seconds that's all i would need.....

  • Imbue

    It is too horrible to imagine anyone who could do this to a baby!

  • abbagail

    I can't stomach the picture this article creates in my mind...

    Repair the baby's genitals... SICK! Castration without anesthesia is the ONLY due punishment for this sleezeball, slow slow sawing, agonizing. Let him thereafter bleed to death.

    Ignorance... how can people believe such "myths" as the article said, that such an act would keep you safe from AIDS? Who makes up such nonsense?

    I can't cry right now. I cried last night flipping channels and heard a cop (on "COPS") say, "Why did you try to tell me it was lipstick?" So I kept watching. A young man, probably in his mid 20's, had white stuff all around his mouth. Come to find out, he DRANK SILVER PAINT and has been DRINKING PAINT since he was 13 years old. He was a handsome boy, hair kind of long, very polite to the officers. (High as a kite, but very polite about it). They asked him"WHY? You are going to kill yourself!" The young man said, "Look, I am disfigured" -- and he stretched out his hands, which were a bit knarled and he had no thumbs. He said he drinks the paint for the pain (I don't know if he meant physical pain or emotional pain). He said he could not afford Valiums, they cost $30 for 10 pills. The officer asked, "How much does the paint cost you?" The boy said, "98-cents." ----- And for some reason I started bawling at the utterly sad and wretched condition of the entire human race, that a boy could/would harm himself like that, drinking PAINT!!! ----- The cops called the paramedics to take him to the hospital to check him out... I wonder what happened to the boy, and how long before the Paint Drinking rots his liver and everything else. It struck me as SOOOO SAD.


  • The Devil
    The Devil

    The torture this guy is going to get.

    I have a special Hell for humans like this.

    I mean I may be the Devil but somethings bother even me.


  • outnfree

    And now I'm wondering if this wee babe with the repaired genitalia is under a death sentence by contracting AIDS from this despicable animal !????


  • ISP

    Yep.......I can't imagine anything more depraved and disgusting. What can you say?

    This idea of having sex with infants to cure sexual disease is though not new,however. The same idea pervaded England in the early 1900. I have a history book which deals with the conditions people endured in those days and this was mentioned. The disease people thought it would cure was syphilis.


  • Angharad

    I cant believe that someone can be so sick in the head to do something like that - the death penalty is too good for people like him - I hope everyone in prison knows what he has done.

    Edited by - angharad on 27 July 2002 5:39:43

  • Francois

    What gets me here is that it seems that most of you good folks seem to think this kind of thing is RARE!!!

    It's not all that rare. And you can prove it for yourselves.

    Watch the calendar. Notice when the following things happen all at the same time:

    1. A full moon.
    2. Payday
    3. Friday and/or Saturday night

    Now, when these things do happen, go to your nearest, largest, public hospital in the biggest city you can get to for this test. Here in Atlanta, GA, that would be Grady Hospital. Get to the hospital about an hour after dark, and just wait around. Take a book. Wait in the emergency room. If anyone asks what you are doing, tell 'em you're doing research for a newspaper story, or tell 'em you're testing an hypothesis, or tell 'em it's none of their business. Whatever. It's a public place and you have the right to be there.

    You will get the education of your life.


  • 13th_apostate

    that is the saddest, most heartwrenching and maddening thing I have ever heard. that poor kid. I can't imagine being so afraid of something that you would scar a child that way.


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